also i'm full of snot and tired

Dec 19, 2013 09:44

Hello, internet. Happy December!

I'm back in Boston after a wonderful two-ish weeks visiting home and ivy_rat and pearl_O. I had a great time visiting people--I think I detailed my time at Ivy's pretty much, and Erica's was more low-key--I worked on secret_mutant stuff while she was at work and we ate food and watched McAvoy movies and hung out with her sister and cousin and played board games while she was home! She ALSO ended up sick on the last day of my stay, because I'm some sort of Typhoid Kaitlyn, and I am ALSO ALSO sick, mostly because I couldn't cut my usual sinus stuff off at the pass since they don't sell pseudoephedrine without a prescription and I ran out like, two days into my stay.

So, now I have a death cold, but days of applying lots of medicines seems to be making it slightly better.

Yeah, Erica has a cat and a dog, which is why my head started filling up in the first place. The cat, as usual, was superior and dismissive and was waiting for me to die so he could eat me. The dog REALLY WANTED TO BE MY FRIEND and I kind of got suckered in to being her buddy, even though I kept telling her repeatedly that WE COULDN'T BE FRIENDS.

Anyway, despite bad weather in Portland, bad weather in DC (where my layover was), and bad weather in Boston, all of my flights were on time and I was home in bed at a reasonable hour. I was so messed up on time zones to begin with that the affects of jetlag were generally snuffed out by getting eight hours of sleep, so yay.

Now I'm back at work, which is balls. Blah.


On the plane out and back, I finished up all the books on my Kindle. (Well, actually, this afternoon I finished the last one.) Now the only unread book is Rose Under Fire and I just don't think I'm emotionally prepared to handle it right now. Time to crack open a new paper book, it seems.


So, I started writing this literally a week ago and then put it aside to do Secret Mutant-y things and now I'm not sure I have anything worth updating about. Obviously all of that is old news.

Let's see...we had Office Christmas and I got a lovely bracelet from Kyleigh that I need to resize to fit my fat wrist and beer from Riley and a Starbucks giftcard from Tamara. I made millions of cookies and handed them out to my work people, only to eat Doug's this morning when we found out he's not coming back into the office until after New Year's. I put up the tree. I have not watched nearly enough Christmas movies. I am mostly done with shopping.

I'm really tired.

Work has been pretty miserable, but I'm trying to get by.

We started watching Leverage! That's exciting! We're halfway through S2. Mostly I love Parker more than is probably healthy, but the whole team is A+++. I love their faces ♥ ♥ ♥

I've completed one SMM fic that I haven't posted yet and I'm planning on spending a portion of today working on another that's half-done, as my boss isn't here.

Friday after work I leave for a week (unpaid) in Jersey that I REALLY SERIOUSLY NEED. Also, I get to see Anne-Marie in Macbeth, which...oh man.

And, you know, friends and family and things.


Okay, back to SMM. I hope you're well, el jay!

ivy is the best, secret mutant, erica!, work: office girl, vacation, christmas

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