"he can't be older than the sun but younger than dirt!"

Nov 12, 2013 09:22

Good morning, internet. It's Tuesday. It's snowing. I'm cranky. Et cetera.

I accidentally stayed up too late last night and didn't get into bed until around 10:30. I definitely felt it this morning, jfc. I still pulled my butt out of bed and wrote 614 words this morning, though, so...yes.

So far, I've written every day since I started this, although my Sunday word count was abysmal because I didn't set aside time in the morning the way I have been. Saturday of this week might be tricky--I accidentally scheduled a service appointment for my car for 7:30am. Hopefully I'll be able to write there, at least. The dealership I used to go to had wifi.

In the mean time, I'm slogging through. I still hate my job so much. I'm still behind on everything in life. But I've got my head a little above water, which helps. So does the tumblr hiatus, which is apparently well-timed, as unforgott3n informed me that people were cranky yesterday. Oh, fandom.


Speaking of fandom, this morning I went to fix a tag on one of my fics and went into a fugue state where I went through and cleaned up my XMFC fic tags a little. With all of that handled, for my own curiosity, here are my top ten most frequently used AO3 additional tags:

Established Relationship (57)
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (50)
Alternate Universe - Still Have Powers (35)
Canon Disabled Character (21)
Domestic (21)
Alternate Universe - No Powers (13)
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (13)
Kid Fic (12)
Married Couple (7)
Cuddling & Snuggling (4)

I have 98 XMFC stories, so it shakes out to roughly 48 full AUs, 13 canon divergent AUs, and 37 canon compliant stories. (A couple of the 98 are multi-verse ficlet collections.) I am absolutely not surprised that, outside of AU designations and "canon disabled character," all of the rest of the tags are fluff. Like, I couldn't be less surprised. Also, I'm pretty sure "kid fic" would be higher if you counted all the mutant school AUs with Jean and Scott and Ororo.

But these are...pretty typical of my reading habits, as well. I really do write the type of story that I want to read. I feel like I should just email this list to my secret mutant. "Dear Secret Mutant: I write what I like to read. Plz take note!"


Okay, today I have a meager list of things I actually need to get done at work, plus some personal emails to send, plus we gave Doug faux-doh in his birthday present and he issued us a faux-doh sculpture challenge and I need to come up with something REALLY GOOD. So. It's a good thing there's no tumblr to distract me.

work: office girl, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, writing: is hard, doug

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