i don't like coughing

Sep 30, 2013 19:09

Hi, internet. Today I went back to work and spent the day hiding from HR because my doctor was out of the office and thus could not fax them a doctor's note saying that I was allowed to come back to work, so they were threatening to send me home. Ugh.

I also wrote like, 4000 words of a thing. I'm not sure if it's a coherent story--it started as something pearl_o and I were texting back and forth while I was sick and it mostly involves Erik crying all over people. I think there's too much backstory in my head and not enough on the page, but it might be able to be shaped into something? idk. I haven't finished anything in a while and I'm about to embark on the married ghosthunters, so a little reassurance that I CAN finish things wouldn't be terrible right now.


I accidentally read a fic this morning that hit all my rage buttons, but also my laughter button because there was quite a bit describing Charles' ~*super delicate body*~ and I kind of wanted to send the author a picture of McAvoy in his soccer uniform with no further comment. (I don't know why I was reading something that was hitting my rage buttons--normally I backbutton at the first sign of it, but I blame it on being super, super tired when I finally got to work this morning.)


This afternoon at the vending machines...I don't even remember how it started, except that I said something and Margaret said basically exactly what Doug would have said in that situation and it spurred us into the realization that I can use, "But I have pneumonia!" as an excuse for everything for the next month or so.

Margaret: I'm going to call Doug and ask him if he'll be in Boston tomorrow.
Kait: Tell him he has to come because I miss him....and I have pneumonia.

So at least one good thing has come out of this.


secret_mutant sign-ups continue apace! Right now we are poised to hit my self-imposed minimum sign-ups that will prove I'm not a terrible moderator, so hurrah! (I have issues, I know this.) I am pretty excited for this year. I feel really good about including that reminder that Erik is Jewish and I hope it works the way I intended! There have been some really good prompts and it's times like this I am sad that I am the mod, because I get to see all the prompts I can't have instead of just getting to concentrate on the ones I end up with /o\

But that's what Secret Mutant Madness is for, I suppose! I'm excited about that too, even though I'll need to start writing pretty early to get anything done, given a good chunk of it is going live while I'm in Portland. (Mind, I'll be in Portland with pearl_o, so it's not like I'll be completely cut off.)


McAvoy's face remains good. I am INSANELY EXCITED to see Anne-Marie in Macbeth. I'm really tired and have put off my antibiotic until bedtime because it makes me feel gross. I suppose I should eat something for dinner.

margaret, work: office girl, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, writing: is hard, secret_mutant

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