It's a new month already

Aug 04, 2013 13:53

Oh gosh, hi, internet.

I'm really terrible at updating this, which is more upsetting to me than you, I'm sure. This journal has been a record of my life for over ten years, and that's really handy given how crap my memory is.

So, let's see if I can summarize what's been going on:

We moved! I'll post our address filtered for those who want it! My dad kind of insisted on coming, but it turns out it was great that he did, even though we hired movers, because he did a lot of dad things, including greasing the palms of the movers who didn't want to hoist the mattress boxsprings into the new place. But we got everything in, and we've officially handed over the keys to the old place, so this is where we live, now. It's nice! It's funny, because we have more space, but there's also so much that I'm just not sure where it's going to go, so who knows.

These are the pictures that were on the realtor's website. I haven't taken any yet, because we're still in the process of moving in.

You walk up the stairs from the street and you see these french doors:

And they lead into this room:

(That's a non-working fire place.)

Standing in the corner of that room, you can see the rest of the room and into the dining room. That closet has built-in shelves and has become our DVD cabinet:

The dining room leads into the kitchen:

Complete with a built-in breakfast nook that at least two of our friends want to live in:

That door next to the nook leads to a tiny balcony, probably just big enough for two chairs and a tiny table:

Then the boring stuff: Bathroom and two bedrooms:

And then, down the hall there's an office for my books and Becca's craft stuff:

And also a three-season porch that looks out over the block!:

So yes, nice. But unpacking and such. Ugh.

Once we're unpacked and have done an Ikea run and such, we'll probably have people over? So, September, sometime, probs.

Work has been...fine, but seriously stressing me out? I don't know why. Like...idk. idk idk. I still spend most of my day doing nothing, but now I'm just constantly anxious about it. Which is fun. And I still hate it, but I do really love my co-workers so much. They're just the greatest. But with Doug's job up in the air and being bored to death all the time and...idk. I'm having anxiety dreams on SATURDAY now, which is not good.

Uh, remember like, a month or so ago when I wrote, " "A week or two ago I listened to Welcome to Night Vale, which is delightful, though maybe not a real fandom as much as a pleasant distraction."

Yeeeaaaaah, about that?

Uh, I wrote one fic. I have at least two more in progress, one of which is SO CLOSE to being done, but I got totally distracted by an XMFC fic and haven't finished it whoops /o\ And when I read fic these days, it's Night Vale, mostly because the XMFC fic is slow to come unless it's a fusion with something I haven't seen and/or don't care about /o\ I'm reblogging a lot of stuff on tumblr and I've made photosets and logos and designed signs and buttons, so if nothing else, I applaud it for getting me back into designing shit.

Still up to my old tricks in XMFC. Mostly I just text pearl_o a lot and write fic when she tells me to. I'm glad the rest of the fandom has finally stopped being so doom and gloom about DoFP, which I've been revved up for since they announced it. I'm really pissed that they've given the Kitty role to Wolvie because...these movies need more ladies doing awesome things, not more Wolverine. They even got Ellen Page back! And I know, following the comic storyline, the role couldn't be exactly the same because they've not met Kitty yet, BUT I TRUST THEY COULD WORK AROUND THAT. Ugh.

But other than that, I was so over the room at the SDCC footage and reports, and I'm loving the set photos and the social media (both official and unofficial). I've been hoping it will spark more output in fandom, but we'll see.

Other stuff:
I saw The Conjuring twice in theatres and LOVED IT. It is everything I want from a scary movie--MARRIED GHOSTHUNTERS! It addresses my three least favorite tropes in positive ways: 1) It explains why they don't just leave the house; 2) The children's and wife's fear isn't written off as unimportant, imaginary, or silly, but rather treated as a real problem that's not just in their heads; 3) None of the characters--especially none of the mothers--sacrifice themselves for The Greater Good (the greater good) to save the day.

And, you know, MARRIED GHOSTHUNTERS. Both of the married couples are devoted to each other! They're good wives and husbands! They want what's best for their families! They're shown as equal partners! At one point, the husband ghosthunter tries to keep his wife in the dark and she immediately chastises him, after which he apologizes and they go to investigate the case together!

Basically, it showed you could make a really good, solid scary movie without resorting to all the lazy writing that I hate in horror movies. I can't wait until it comes on DVD so I can just watch it on a loop.

(And I'm thinking about at least two married ghosthunters AUs.)

Um...what else? I also saw Whedon's Much Ado and it was really good. I went out for margaritas with littledust before she went on vacation and that was nice. Some college age boys played an impromptu game of baseball in front of us and they were precious and hilarious. I'm bringing three costumes to con this year. I'm really sleepy and really depressed most of the time. I've watched a lot of Law and Order. I'm on tumblr a lot. Sometimes I post personal stuff, mostly I reblog and do memes. I'm still on Twitter all the time....idk. I think that's just about it.

How are you, LJ?

dragoncon 13, family stuff, work: office girl, movies, urban adjustments, rl blathering, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, cardigan central, welcome to night vale, slanty face, horror movies

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