"Claudia would TOTALLY run a nail-art tumblr, now."

Jul 09, 2013 14:10

Hello, internet!

I feel like there's work I'm supposed to be doing right now, but I don't know what it is, so.......internet! :D

  • Texas was pretty fun! We saw some dinosaurs and dremiel! As always, Twitter is the best up-to-the-minute form of tracking me, and there are some rad pictures up there. Mostly of signs and dinosaurs and food, I think? idek.
  • I wrote some Welcome to Night Vale fic. I'm possibly working on more. Possibly it's fake kidfic. Possibly I'm in over my head. Possibly I love Cecil to tiny pieces and just want him to have good things and possibly I made an unearthly noise when I saw that episode 27 is going to be called "First Date."
  • I'm learning to crochet! I can already crochet a line! Next is a circle.
  • Last weekend I saw Much Ado About Nothing with anachronistique and chiasmus! It was really good! I'm not a Shakespeare scholar or anything--I've basically only read the plays for school reasons--but I really enjoyed it. The entire cast has really good faces, fyi.
  • After the movie, we basically drove around the greater Camberville area from shop to shop because there's been a ridic heatwave here and none of our houses have air conditioning.
  • mcwonthelottery and I watched the entirety of the old Baby-sitter's Club television show on Netflix.
  • Work is still pretty terrible, but in that passive, soul-crushing way.
  • Really guys, Cecil. Ceeeccccilllllll.
  • Oh, and we're moving.

We're moving! To Newton! Once we sign the lease, I'll send the address to people who care, but it's very exciting! It's much bigger than our current place and MUCH quieter. Second floor! Lots of rooms and space! Washer and dryer! Off-street parking! Dishwasher!

I'm not going to pretend I'm not sad to be moving out of Union Square, which I really do like, but I'm really glad we're leaving our current apartment and I still have a car, obvs, so I'm sure we'll be back to visit a lot. For one thing, I don't plan on moving my comics from Hub, so I'll have to drop by at least a few times a month to pick up my pulls.

And that is pretty much our major thing right now--getting ready to move, packing all our shit, figuring out the logistics and financials (my debit card is currently locked in a lock box which is locked in my desk because I really can't touch it until I'm paid a week from Friday).

Brain-wise, things aren't great. I'm sleeping way too much and I'm always tired. I'm having even more trouble than usual paying attention to things, and just generally numb, which I guess is better than crying all the time. I feel like I've been a terrible friend because I can barely keep up my end of conversations, whether they're on IM, text, or out loud.

I'm trying. I'm just. Really tired all the time. I spend a lot of time lying around listening to Night Vale and trying not to nap.


So, that's mostly that. Tonight, mcwonthelottery is out at a concert with her mom, so I'm going to pack our one remaining box and then try to stay awake watching scary movies and eating leftovers from the fridge. I might try and write--I've got a couple Night Vale things I'm picking at and at least three "active" XMFC WsiP (not to mention the twenty or so I've got in my WsiP folder), or maybe I'll just make more photosets for tumblr, because that's apparently a thing I do now.

I hope you're doing well, internet, and I'll leave you with this:

open to everyone july 14 - july 28!
click for more details!

movies, urban adjustments, friends, rl blathering, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, cardigan central, welcome to night vale, secret_mutant

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