i'm resolved to being born and so resigned to bravery

Mar 14, 2013 09:48

Well, hello, internet.

Thank you for your comments on all that mental health stuff last week. I frequently have trouble responding to such comments, but I appreciate that they're there nonetheless. Socialization is hard, existing is hard. You guys are nice ♥

Currently, idk. I feel like I'm slightly better, but I've also been too fucking tired to be sad, so that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Like, bone deep, all-the-coffee-in-the-world-doesn't-help, can't hold my head up tired. And of course, I keep getting stuck in the cycle of going to bed early, waking up after four hours, and not being able to get back to sleep. I'm positive it's psychological because a) I'm obviously still exhausted when I wake up and b) it only happens if I have somewhere to be in the morning.

I'm tired, is the long and short of it, and not getting anything done.


Hm, let's see. Weekend before last I went to quatredeathlady's house and we saw MB20 and Matt Hires. They were great. It's been a long time since I've been to a rock show and it was exhausting but I enjoyed the show immensely. A nice mix of new stuff and old songs. There's a lot of nostalgia wrapped up in Matchbox Twenty for us--we've been going to their shows together for like, fifteen years. And I can't wait for Matt Hires' new album to frigging come out already. PUT IT IN MY HANDS, UNIVERSE.

The past few weeks at work continue to reinforce how much I don't care, so nothing new on that front.

Last weekend, brilligspoons and I went up to Doug's house to pick up a bookcase. He recently moved and doesn't have space in the new place for it, so Margaret snatched it up. He gave us the tour of the new house and jesus christ, I want Doug's adulthood. Where like, your main hobby is still being a nerd, but you have a super nice house across from a lake in the suburbs and a hottub. Knowing Doug as I do, I'm shocked that their place is basically already completely moved in and lovely and wonderful and basically I just kept telling him over and over again that I was DISGUSTED by how nice the whole thing was.

That night, mcwonthelottery and I went to see the Old 97s at some place in Cambridge. I am too old to go to rock shows on weeknights, guys. I tapped out at about 10:06 and there was still half an hour of music left. It was awful. It didn't help that we were in back of two couples with zero show etiquette, an older couple that kept making out right in our sight line and going on facebook on their phones and shit and another couple that just... ::hands:: The lady was wearing boots with three inch heels and kept complaining about how much her feet hurt and how she wanted to sit down. We were standing along the wall behind the only four tables (each seated two people) in the entire venue, and she was obviously whining to get someone to give up their chair for her, but...you snooze you lose. Don't wear three inch heels to a non-seated venue if you know your feet are going to hurt. Her dude told her to go talk to the bartender about it (?). The old guy from the old couple eventually took a chair from the next table over for her, because those people were dancing, but the whole thing was annoying. As was the fact that Heels' dude was 6'4" and decided, instead of leaning against the wall like the rest of us, he was going to walk two feet into the aisle, thus blocking our view of the stage.

Ugh, all I do is complain about other people who go to shows. I wish bands I like would just perform in my living room.

The show was good, though. Rhett Miller's hips were in fine form. We bailed a little early because...tired and not feeling well and work and such.

Then on TUESDAY we saw The Glass Menagerie at ART. I know, I know, it's been a super busy couple weeks. Before the show, I had the greatest chicken sandwich of my entire life at Tasty Burger. Seriously. I would have eaten six more. WHO'D HAVE THOUGHT? It's way better than UBurger, which is where I go semi-regularly for chicken sandwiches. (I actually don't eat burgers as frequently any longer because they're not as appealing to me without cheese.)

The show was...okay? I wasn't wowed. It's not really a play where you come out liking anyone, I don't think. And it's not a particular favorite, and while none of the actors were BAD, I just was generally not captivated by the show as a whole.


So now we're up to date, internet. I think. I've not been writing nearly as much as I should--I took some time off to rest my brain and now I can't get it started again and I'm a little panicky about it. Also, I'm just generally...tired. Uh, as seen above. So we'll see. My boss is out today, so I was hoping to make headway on SOMETHING, but we'll see what happens.

How's everyone else? Is anyone else goings to HeroesCon? (I know it's still a long way away.) Will someone bring me more coffee? And cake?

matt hires, mb20, rl blathering, work: office girl, concerts, music, theatre

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