internet, plz read this comic.

Mar 12, 2013 15:42

Internet, today is the day I am going to get you to read X-Treme X-Men.

It is WINDING DOWN. As cranky as I am about that, it means you're not going to be mired in continuing canon. Every single person whom I have told to read it has loved it, because it is awesome. (It is SO AWESOME, internet.) I feel like you, fannish internet that makes up most of my following, would feel a particular kinship to a book about alternate universes that also includes a canon queer relationship and a team led by an awesome kickass lady.
(I have been in fandom many years. I know what to emphasize to get your attention XD)

I'm going to pitch this to the internet as if you are a person who is not super into comics, okay? The book is mostly outside of the events of 616 (which is nerd-speak for the general Marvel continuity), so, if you're a completionist, you don't have to follow fifteen additional titles to understand every nuance of what's going on. It's really, incredibly fun. It can be zany and silly, but it still has strong emotional arcs for its characters to offset the absurdity. It's just fun. It is a fun book that will make you love characters you never imagined loving.

The general plot of the title is as follows: In order to save the population of a dying world, Xavier (and a league of other Xaviers) focus their energy to transfer the people and infrastructure of that world to the unpopulated version of Earth in a different universe. The act of doing this causes a tear in the multiverse and in order to stop it, the lead Xavier takes a team of interdimensional X-Men through the multiverse to kill ten evil version of Xavier and stop them from destroying everything.

Our interdimensional X-Men include:

"Our" Alison Blaire AKA Dazzler. These X-Men have had an encounter with 616 Scott in the past. In a bid to help them, Scott opens a portal to the world they're currently traversing and Alison ends up going through it to help. She ends up more or less leading the team and generally serves as the PoV character.

Head-in-a-bottle!Charles Xaiver, the Xavier who has masterminded the hunt for these evil Xaviers. After discovering the mutant gene in his reality, he attempted to curry public favor by recruiting a group of X-Men to be beloved public figures and entertainers. It ended badly. It's very possible he has a shady hidden agenda.

Former Governor General James Howlett of the Dominion of Canada, an alternate version of Wolverine. Howlett is simultaneously a tougher and softer version of the Wolverine we know from 616. He's very Theodore Roosevelt-esque and has a sort of ruggedness to him that seems...idk, woodsy as opposed to "our" Logan's butch anger. He's also incredibly kind-hearted and loyal.

Kurt Waggoner, a fourteen year old robotics genius high schooler version of Nightcrawler. Kurt's parents were killed on his homeworld, so he's familiar with loss and the fight for survival, despite being the generally chipper teenaged comic relief of the team. He's precious.

They pick up other characters along the way--616!Sage and a black Civil War (like, the American one, not the Marvel one) soldier version of Cyclops and an alternate version of Hercules who also turns out to be Howlett's boyfriend (literally. They're in love. It's amazing.).

Aside from awesome twists on characters you're already familiar with, the second greatest thing about this comic is the alternate worlds, at least in my opinion as a person who enjoys alternate universes. Just a sampling of the alternate worlds includes a bronze-age-greek-god-steampunk world:

A wild-west-steampunk world:

A world controlled by robots:

A WORLD WHERE EVERYONE IS A UNICORN (sort of, there's a twist):

That is a TINY BIT of all the places they visit and all of the places people come from. They are all SUPER COOL.

But it is GREAT and mostly I just want other people to talk to about how great it is! ALL THE RIGHT PEOPLE KISS:



Pretty much it's just great! The first trade is available at your LCS (or here on Amazon) and if you have any other questions about where to start/where to find it, drop me an ask/comment and I'll help you out, okay?

(Because, guys, Alison and Howlett are the beeessssttttt bros and I need you to write me scads of fanfiction where they're best bros.


x-treme x-men, comics

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