"hi! i haven't seen you in a year and a half! as you can't see, i can't dress myself."

Jan 09, 2013 11:17

::flops:: Good morning, internet. If you could call it that :\

Today has been a series of loosely linked bizarre mini-disasters. I have a feeling that I look as wild-eyed as I feel. It's not quite as bad as the day after my vacation when I was so tired I kept twirling around to look at Margaret beseechingly in lieu of actual speech, but it's close despite the fact that I actually slept last night.

idk idk. My iPod spent the commute playing war on my emotional stability. I think it keeps a list of the most emotionally devastating songs in its devious little mind and this morning, unleashed them all at once.

Also, I continue to really dislike my job.


Last night I had dinner with chiasmus before she returns to New Orleans for school. Man, people moving away is lame. You never get to see them and it's the worst. Mostly we ate waffles and talked about how terrible everything is, which is basically par for the course with us.

It occurs to me that I didn't post the HILARIOUS Twitter quotes from the Mutant Party, so I will do that now, in order to enrich your lives.

littledust: "I fell in love with his mind first, god, Raven."
pocky_slash: "Yeah, I was in love with his mind for a full 35 seconds before I found out he was ripped."

"We need to go inside. In case of nuclear war."
"And take all our clothes off. In case of nuclear war."
(I think that was Kelsey and Randa, but I can't remember for sure. We started adding "In case of nuclear war" to the end of everything and it was amazing.)

Film: "Grocery stores are empty!"
mayatawi: "There are no mannequins to be found!"

pocky_slash: "'Hey nukey!' I'm glad he made the nuke room telepath-proof. Just for funsies!"
littledust(I think?): "So Emma can't intrude on his special nuke time."

pocky_slash: "Pretty much everything from this point onward can be summed up by 'PTSD and bad decisions.'"

Erik: "If you're still inthere, I'd like you to know I agree with every word you said."
littledust: "Whhhyyyyy?"
pocky_slash: "PTSD."

Erik: "Unfortunately--"
littledust: "I'm Irish now."

littledust: "Why?"
pocky_slash: "Because PTSD."
littledust: "And the sub where characterization goes to die."
pocky_slash: "And the helmet of Irishness and Fascism."

Charles: "There are thousands of men on those ships! Good, innocent men!"
littledust: "I get so distracted by the thigh zippers!"
chiasmus: "He should have not said Anything, just unzipped them."
pocky_slash: "Erik! Erik! ::ziiiiip::"

littledust: "JESUS CHRIST! Just KISS HIM!"

pocky_slash: "UGH! McAvoy! HOW DO YOU LOOK LIKE THAT? Fassbender, how are your hands so big? I have lots of questions."
littledust: "Mostly about how you have sex."

Moira: "Sometimes I get fragments. Like...trees."
mayatawi: "With no leaves on them."

Charles: "He believes a war is brewing."
pocky_slash: "He's believed that for about 50 years."
mayatawi: "A war needs to simmer."
chiasmus: "It needs to simmer for 'a while.*'"
littledust: "Erik's a better cook than he is a tactician."
* The recipe for mulled wine that I was using had the instruction, "let the mixture simmer for a while." Which isn't super helpful.

@LoversDiction: eclipse, n.: When you feel I’m shadowing you, you burn brighter on the edges, furiously shining past my reach.
::Kelsey shows Kait that tweet. Silent flailing and faces of joy::
littledust: "Oh, we just had a whole silent OTP conversation! We could pass the Broccoli Test! Of gayness!"

littledust: "Wolverine IS an Evanescence song."
mayatawi: "I believe you mean a Linkin Park song."

Bobby: Uh, this is Professor Logan.
Rifftrax: He teaches butchness.
(Which, okay, not us, but the funniest line in the X2 RiffTrax.)

Rifftrax: "Oh, they're going to build a second vacation Cerebro on the lake."
pocky_slash: "I WANT THAT FIC."

Erik: "It's time to end this war."
pocky_slash: "But it just started! You've been waiting 50 years for this war! Jesus!"
mayatawi: "He has a hard time committing."

Don't you feel enriched, now?


Still chugging along on my big bang, which is terrible because...a) it's terrible and b) all I want to do is write old retired dudes fic. But I'm going to finish. Probably with a lot of crying, but it's January, so there was going to be a lot of crying involved with anything anyway.

(I pretty much, at this point, expect the inevitability of January and February. The trick is not letting it bleed into spring.)

Tonight, though, I'm going out with a friend from my first temp job in Boston. I haven't spoken to her since I started this job and she started law school, but she IMed me on Saturday night and we chatted for a while and decided to get dinner and drinks to catch up. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm also bone-tired, so my goal is to not fall asleep at the table, really.

I also have to do some real work today, so there might not be many words. Hm. We'll see what happens.


In conclusion, today on the suggestion of the current Starbucks marketing campaign, I had vanilla in my coffee and it tastes really good.


eta: Reposting this because it's not showing up on people's flists? (Including mine!) EL JAY. STOP THIS NONSENSE. THIS IS MY HOME AND I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE, SO STOP BEING SHITTY.

x-men, work: office girl, work: temp, friends, quotes, writing: is hard, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, lindsay needs a tag, kelsey gets a tag now, slanty face

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