post secret mutant naptime?

Dec 17, 2012 09:01

::flops on top of internet::

(True life story: On Friday, Becca and I went to a show and between sets, I went to flop on her and because of all the shit between us on the couch we were occupying, I couldn't quite make it. She reveled in my pain.)

SECRET MUTANT IS BASICALLY DONE. All the hard bits are done, at least. The reveal will be on Saturday and there's still Secret Mutant Madness, but I can let that shake out on its own between now and Saturday (I have a poll up on the community to see how I'm going to go about revealing that. Check it out if you have a minute!). I'm super, incredibly relieved and happy it all worked out. Not as relieved and happy as I would be if I didn't have 23094890234 things to do between now and Friday, but it is what it is.

The stories are all here and you should go read all of them because they're great! I'm going to do an actualfax rec post when I have more than two minutes, but you should 100% GO READ THE STORY THAT WAS WRITTEN FOR ME. The Xavier-Lehnsherr Academy for the Gifted: 1973!! I'll tell you exactly why in the rec post, but for now, GO GO GO GO GO IT'S ALL THAT I COULD EVER IMAGINE WANTING IN A PRESENT ♥ ♥ ♥

SPEAKING OF SECRET MUTANT, I have three stories in the archive. Let's see who can guess all three.

  • Together, they total ~28k words
  • None of them have Dar Williams or Weepies lyrics in the title.
  • None of them are entirely canon-based.
  • All of them are Charles/Erik.
  • All of them have super obvious hints from my real life, but not necessarily my fandom life, if that makes any sense.
  • Two are pinch hits.
  • Each has a different one of the kids as a major(ish) secondary character.

So, see what you can do! I'm putting three poll boxes here and leaving this open until Saturday. GO AHEAD AND GUESS.

Poll Kait's Secret Mutant Stuff

Now I have work, where I will try and concentrate on work things, then go home and pick up presents for the ducklings, do a quick AC Moore/Bed, Bath, and Beyond run, finish baking, package pearl_o's birthday present, clean a little for second_batgirl's arrival, and make a list of everything else I have to do before I leave on Friday.

D: D: D:


AND REMEMBER: Secret Mutant Madness, which is open to everyone, IS ONGOING UNTIL SATURDAY. More info here, and I would love it if you'd play. Consider it a Christmas present to me, yeah? :D? :D? :D?

polls, christmas, rec, secret_mutant

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