"by day they churn butter & worship according to their own beliefs, & by night they solve crimes."

Nov 25, 2012 22:08

Hello, internet! I have been remiss in posting.

I neglected to do my usual Thanksgiving post, which I will maybe do tomorrow if work is slow, but my parents kind of blindsided me by announcing we were altering our USUAL family plans of spending the day with Mom's family (whom I like) and instead eating dinner with Mom's family and then going to see Dad's family for dessert which was...not great. I mean, nothing bad happened except that it was super awkward, but yes. I had to use up a lot of my mental energy to get through it and was more exhausted than usual when I finally did get home, so no actual post. SORRY.


Being home was nice! Mostly I ate food and visited family and sat around watching movies. We watched Cabin in the Woods, XMFC, and Arthur Christmas because I had brought the latter two home to watch in BluRay myself and the former for my dad to see, but they all ended up being family affairs. (Brendan left for the weekend right after dinner on Thursday night.) My mom bought me a necklace in Denville. I went into the city on Saturday and met fox1013 and proceeded to buy lots of comics and books and also talk a lot about fandom and visit the holiday markets.

I did ::mumblemumble::no::mumblemumble:: writing. Um. But, you know. It was relaxing.


OH MAN, AND SANTA CAME. Which means it's okay for Christmas stuff to start happening now. ::loads up iPod with Christmas music::


So, most of last night was spent having intense Anne-Marie feelings. Some RPF shippers doing the usual, "Ugh, she's old and ugly, he belongs with MICHAEL!!!1!" bullshit lead to the realization that I hadn't done my usual Anne-Marie google in like, A MONTH and there were new pictures from Berenice that I hadn't seen! Also, a bunch of interviews from that press push! Including THE MOST AMAZING ANNE-MARIE INTERVIEW EVER for sheer love-ability. I'm sure there have been more insightful interviews, but this Q&A is so adorable I had to spend ten minutes rocking back and forth cooing.

Her earliest memory is "the colour yellow, sunshine and a dinner table!!" She wants to be able to fly!! She wants to be an Aardman cartoon!! The greatest loves of her life are her "two housmates!!" And the fact that she answered favorite smell with "the nook of a neck" actually made me make a tiny noise of love. UGH. I CAN'T EVEN. I WOULD READ SO MUCH RPF ABOUT THEM.

Ugh, okay, I can't help myself, MINI-PICSPAM.


Okay, now that I have everything set for tomorrow, I should really go to bed, even though I am a) super behind on coding Secret Mutant Madness and b) super behind on writing. I'M REALLY TIRED, THOUGH :( I drove for a long time today, okay? :( :( :(

anne-marie duff: queen of my heart, picspam, family stuff, thanksgiving, mcavoy has a stupid goober face, friends

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