
Nov 19, 2012 12:13


I don't know why it hit me all of a sudden this morning, but oh man! It did! Jersey! Soon! :D :D :D

So, I'll be in town from Wednesday night until Sunday afternoon. Thursday is going to be, you know, actualfax Thanksgiving, but if anyone wants to have sweet hangs on Friday or Saturday, let me know! I am totally up for sweet hangs.

eta: Also, I would like to go into the city at least one of those days because I would like to see the holiday markets and it will probably be my only chance :(

Otherwise, life continues apace. My boss is still in Brazil and I am still torturing myself over doing the boring pseudo-busy work that we've been left in her absence. My former co-worker sent pictures of her baby today and that was a fun thing to come into. I was in a pretty good mood today overall, actually. (I say "was" but I kind of still am, so...that's odd but not bad.)

I should probably be using this time to write, but I can't entirely concentrate. I know, at least, what I'm doing for my secret_mutant and have it mostly outlined. I know what I'm doing for yuletide, too, and I'm allllmost positive of what I'm doing for the yuletide treat that I'm doing that will be 100% anonymous and untraceable back to me and no one will guess it.

::shifty eyes::

Other things have also been okay! I went and got all my stupid car stuff done on Saturday morning. Waking up at god's time was AWFUL, but once I got there it wasn't so bad. They had wifi and coffee and, when it took longer than they thought, they gave me a discount for being so patient. We had a breakfast adventure at The Independent in Union Square and the potatoes were the best things I've ever put into my mouth. We watched a Civil War zombie movie and some mediocre early 00's horror films, and reminisced about Mulian, our former Bad Movie Weekend OTP.

I also exchanged about fifty emails with pearl_o about comics, because I'm an enabler \o/

Okay. I'm going to go to lunch, I think, and then try to focus on work some more. HAVE A GOOD MONDAY, INTERNET. I KNOW IT WILL BE HARD, BUT TRY.

family stuff, work: office girl, writing: is hard, breakfast adventure!, new jersey!, friends

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