"@BillCorbett: #ThingsYouSayToYourBestFriend I wish you weren't a ghost, Teddy Roosevelt."

Oct 01, 2012 16:59

Hello, internet. How are you? I am exhausted.

So, it was pointed out to me that I never really LJed about the results of my job crisis. In a nutshell, I didn't get the book review job but I DID get the promotion at my current company. It's a salary increase in a different department with tasks that are more suited to my skillset, but it's still not even close to what I want to be doing. So. :\ But, focusing on the good, new job, new department that my boss is really excited about, more money, more vacation time, etc. The problem is that I officially started last Monday and we've not hired someone to do my current position yet, so I've been doing two jobs for a week and WOW. I am more behind in the last week than I have been in the last year. I have shit coming at me from all sides and it's not likely to stop until my vacation in two weeks.

Luckily, the new me starts tomorrow. Her name is Kyleigh and she's young and smart and, as she left her interview, she sassed Doug, so we had to hire her immediately. Avengers Cubicle isn't quite broken up yet, though, because our office is moving in November and IT would rather put her in the empty cubicle next to us than move me to that cubicle and move her to my desk. We're going to see about taking down part of the partition between her cube and Margaret's, though, so she doesn't feel completely left out/cut off.

That's basically been my life for the past week. I'm still not writing a lot and it's bothering me more than I admit, even to the people I've admitted it to. I've been exhausted in the evenings. I've been on a kind of feelings roller coaster for a couple reasons, some of them really good, some of them less good. mcwonthelottery and I have continued watching The West Wing. We're currently on season three. The Donna/Cliff Calley thing just happened. I'm excited to get through S3 and up to S4 because I LOVE S4 and S3 is my least favorite of the seasons I acknowledge. I've been wanting to read fic, but nothing that appeals to me has been written lately (except for Yahtzee's new longfic which I have to put on my Kindle), so mostly I'm re-reading old stuff or staring blankly into space. I have to figure out some AO3 stuff so I can start advertising the secret_mutant sign-ups that start on the tenth and tonight I have to do a banned books thing.

That's pretty much it for me. How are you, internet?

work: office girl, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, cardigan central, tww, job w0es

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