hello, internet! tell me about yourself!

Aug 02, 2012 11:43

Good morning, internet!

After a difficult night and too little sleep, I am actually feeling really good. Which could mean that the malnutrition has taken over and my body is eating the sad receptors in my brain to sustain itself, but I'm going to choose to believe that it's for a more logical reason, like magic. Either way...good mood! Feeling pretty positive about life! I have great friends! I remembered that Baby Handjob existed! Maureen Johnson linked to the "Baby Got Back" wikipedia page! Hurrah all around!

I hope you're doing similarly well, internet.


So, here is the thing about LJ--people add me all the time, and if I don't recognize their name immediately/know them already, I frequently don't add them back? Because the only things I lock are mental health posts and no one wants to read about what a shitshow I am anyway. But, I recognize that you guys are probably adding me because we have awesome things in common, so every once in a while I like to make an effort to get to know you.

(For the record, I do the same thing on Twitter, especially if you have a locked account. If I can't immediately make the connection, I frequently don't add someone back as my account [for better or worse] is unlocked. But, you know, I'm interested in people and conversations, so please let me know so I know to add you!)

ANYWAY, GUYS. The point is, let's chat. Let's introduce ourselves. Imagine that we're at a fancy party, the kind with premade cocktails in actualfax glasses and not solo cups. Also, we're all dressed really cute. And it was catered and the food is awesome. Also, it's in a big house that we inherited from some long lost dead relative that has enough space for all our friends to hang out. Also, we're friends with Mark Sheppard and Anne-Marie Duff, so they're also at this party. And also the house is haunted, but in a kooky Scooby-Doo way, not in a horror movie way that will result in all of us being systematically picked off by a serial killer based on what key cast archetypes we fill.

Okay, I sort of lost the point there. THE POINT. Is. Tell me a little about you and I'll tell you a little about me and we'll all get to know each other, and maybe pull a rubber mask off of a comical cartoon villain at the end of the whole thing.

My name is Kaitlyn! Kait is fine. I have now been trained to answer to pocky_slash and fourteenacross in public, thanks to my increased con attendance in the past five years, but Kait is still best.

I live in Boston, MA with mcwonthelottery. I met Becca in fandom like...twelve years ago or something creepy like that. We met in person for the first time in 2008 and we've lived together since 2010. We are undeniably the funniest people on the planet. People who don't accept that are only jealous because they don't understand how nuanced and layered our jokes about Baby Handjob and Monster Horse AUs are. I have a boring day job at a company doing work that's not unimportant, but is irrelevant to my personal interests. I'm starting to get restless, but I was unemployed for a year, so I'm not too restless. I work with brilligspoons and...okay. Let me lay this all out.

In early 2010, barbed_whispers and momebie were coming to NYC to hang out with mcwonthelottery. paper_tzipporah and sky_was_green came down from Boston to NYC with her and paper_tzipporah invited brilligspoons (who was currently living in Jersey) to come along. Becca extended a similar invitation to me, and that's how we all ended up in the same city on the same weekend, boozing it up and becoming friends. It just so happened that while I was in talks with Becca about moving to Boston to live with her, brilligspoons was looking to move to Boston as well. So, when I did end up in Boston about six months later, I had a support group of good friends (who were all fangirls!) already in place.

Whew. Margaret and I seriously just sat here in our cube trying to hash that all out.

Anyway, I work with Margaret and frequently talk about her and her boss, Doug, because the three of us spend all day being sarcastic assholes to each other.

As I previously hinted, I am also a Jersey native. I lived there until I was twenty-five, with a four year stint in Purchase, New York, to attend college. I miss Jersey a lot and I miss my family, but the friend support system I have in Boston is incredible and I can't imagine leaving it behind. In addition to the above named, last fall metonymy, who is Becca's college BFF, moved to town and I met littledust, whom I had known on LJ for years, for the first time. I hang out with the two of them an awful lot. Also, chiasmus, who is another "I've known you on LJ forever and now we live in the same city, we should hang out and talk about mutants!" friend XD

It's all very complicated, I know. We're pretty incestuous.

Anyway, if I am not hanging out with those people eating breakfast food and bitching about how everyone is wrong on the internet, I am generally in my house, attempting to write or mainlining teevee shows with Becca. In my past life, I was the children's department lead at a Barnes and Noble for three years and children's literature is the thing I'm best at. It was a soulless corporate retail job, but I didn't always hate it and I was really, really good at it. I was better at that job than I've ever been at anything else. I don't know what that says about me, but while I don't miss the fuckery of working for a huge corporation, I deeply miss the books. I consider kids' lit my field and I'm currently trying to find a way to get back into it without relocating to New York :\

I like music, mostly hippie folk stuff. I like horror films and know way too much about horror as a genre. I'd like a hobby outside of writing, but nothing else seems to hold my interest for long enough to catch on. My mental health is sketchy, but I try not to spill that onto LJ, and if I do, it's locked and clearly labeled. I'm not always super great about answering comments because I can't always be online at work (and I'm frequently too tired in the evenings to concentrate), but I appreciate comments and I read my flist constantly. I like chatting with people, especially about things dear to my heart, like how much Charles and Erik love each other. I'm kind of obsessed with James McAvoy and Anne-Marie Duff. My favorite trope in fiction is found families. I love happy endings. Sometimes in the winter I wear a hat that looks like a frog.



Okay. I'm going to try and write some more. Or make more Teen Wolves jokes on twitter. 50/50 AT THIS POINT.

eta: OH! ALSO!

Sign ups for the xmenbigbang are now open!

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I've signed up as a team with shaliara, who is amazing and wonderful and I am SO EXCITED to work with! It's going to be awesome!

work: office girl, intro, cardigan central, me, friends

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