stop what you're doing and go read this fic!

Jul 31, 2012 14:52

Prayers for the Living by fahye and littledust, xm: fc - charles/erik, ensemble - pg13 - canon divergence au
AU from midway through the film, looking at what might have happened if Azazel had (sensibly) teleported to Russia and Emma had (sensibly) gone recruiting baby mutants. In which Moira is badass, actions have consequences, and Charles and Erik manage to have some feelings when they're not racing around the country.

Okay, because this is my journal, I'm going to give you some backstory on this.

littledust and I have been LJ friends for yeeeaaaarrrrsss. I think I was in college and she was in HS when we first online "met." We met in person for the first time almost a year ago at the first of my XMFC parties, and after we watched the movie, the two of us ended up ensconced in brilligspoons' living room talking about fic.

"My friend fahye and I are writing this epic AU that fixes the movie," she told me then. And I encouraged her to tell me all about it and she did and I expressed my extreme enthusiasm for the story.

Obviously that wasn't the last time we hung out, but over the past year she's kept me updated on the progress of the fic (which was slow-going as both she and fahye have busy lives/jobs) and teased me with bits of it over IM because she is a terrible human being.


The story spins off from the movie when Shaw kidnaps the kids from the CIA facility instead of attacking them. They're brainwashed into Shaw's service and Shaw's way of thinking and Charles and Erik need to put aside their dreams for the future and their growing attraction in order to pull off a rescue. The fic makes a zillion times more sense than the end of the film, as Charles and Erik go through all sorts of trials that shape them into the sort of people who can pull off the deftly written ending.

The characterizations of Charles and Erik are sharp and beautiful and perfect. There's a revelation about Charles and his fears about 2/3 of the way through that had me literally clasping my chest and gasping, it was so genius and so perfect and so telling. Erik's slow slide into his love for Charles and discovery of how important and life-changing it is works so brilliantly. And MOIRA. You guys know how much I cherish a well-written Moira. Their Moira is PERFECT and WONDERFUL and crisp and exactly what EVERYONE should write Moira like. Emma is fleshed out, the plot is coherent, and the ending is perfect and wonderful. Why are you still reading this and not the fic? Honestly. I stayed up past my bedtime to read it last night. And you should, too! I guarantee it will make your life 2000% better*!

* Not a guarantee.

Read it, enjoy it, love it, and tell fahye and littledust how amazing it is ♥

i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, rec, kelsey gets a tag now

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