"I wish I could regret how big of creepers we are."

Jul 26, 2012 13:57

Ugh, internet, not writing is hard. What do people who don't write all the time do? I don't understand! I just want to make words come out :( :( :(

For someone who doesn't immediately introduce themselves as a writer (not out of shame or anything--I just don't really introduce myself as anything), writing is really intricately tied into my identity. I don't have any idea who I am or what I can offer if I'm not writing. It's the only thing I've ever been good at. This is probably unhealthy on a lot of levels, the most obvious being that when I can't write, I lose all purpose. What good am I if I can't do the one thing I'm good at? Aaaaarrrrrggghhhhh :(

I need either a new hobby or to give up the need for external validation, obviously.


For any New England-ish locals who aren't on tumblr, August 3-5 there will be an XMFC meet-up in Boston! (Well, Cambridge.) If you're around, you should come! There's more information on tumblr. I will be there! That...may actually be a deterrent for some people. But. I will be there all the same :)

(For most of it, at least. I have no interest in seeing the new Batman movie right now. Maybe I will see another movie during that part! Is Brave still out? Why am I asking LJ when I have google at my fingertips?)

Also for New England-ish locals, maybe another party at my place in September? Depending on when mcwonthelottery is around. littledust and I were nostalgically remembering the one in May and how great it was. ♥ ♥ You Guys ♥ ♥


My boss is on vacation for like, two and a half weeks. Doug will be gone for a good portion of that as well. There's not a ton of stuff for me to do with them both gone, and if I'm not writing, I'm not sure how I'm going to fill the days :\


In other news, con is only 35 days away!! I am entirely beside myself with excitement. This weekend, if we end up canceling our beach trip, I think I'm going to start on the Cerebro helmet. The sweater vest for my lady!Charles costume came and it fits passably well (it's tight around the waist, but it's a vest so it doesn't really matter that much. I won't have a problem wearing it for a few hours for con, but I probably won't be working it into my regular wardrobe) and I'm going to wear my brown oxfords with that costume, so all I really need to do is build the helmet and order lady!Tony's flask and phone case.

I found a really good close up picture of the helmet and I think I can make a reasonable adaptation using a plastic bowl, some metal washer and knick-knacks, black coated wire, and glue. count_to_seven is graciously allowing me to ship it to her so I don't have to worry about checking a bag. Hurrah!


I think that's really it around here. I've had some really therapeutic conversations on LJ that have reminded me why it's my platform of choice. Also, I've been told that a lot of people having been leaving tumblr for similar reasons, so I feel slightly less like everyone is having a party that I'm too stupid/sensitive to participate in. I wish I was writing more. I did beta a bunch of cool things that I will rec soon. Becca and I are almost done with S2 of Community. Our trip to New York and New Jersey was awesome. Perhaps I will write about it soon. I'm spending a really disproportionate amount of time staring at pictures of Anne-Marie Duff, but I can't help that she's perfect, okay?

I appreciate everyone who commented on my last post. I'm feeling at least slightly better and maybe even okay enough to answer those comments soon ♥

How are you, internet?

work: office girl, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, writing: is hard, teevee, cardigan central, dragoncon 12, slanty face

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