this is mostly about fic I want people to write for me

Jun 18, 2012 16:56

I read an interview today where Charlize Theron was talking about Prometheus and mentioned that one of the things they talked about while filming is the possibility that David was based off of Vickers' DNA.

Guys, I want that fic. Like, super badly and a lot. There's a lot of fic I want from this movie, but I'm afraid to go looking given that a) most of it was probably written before the film came out, b) the little I've seen was of the "poor, poor David 8 who just wants to be a real boy!" variety, c) I do not want to see crossovers with XMFC, any McAvoy movies (or other Fassbender movies, for that matter) and I want nothing to do with "David 9."

Anyway, anyone who IS looking, please feel free to tell me if you find any of the following:

  • Fic about the two years David spent alone on the ship, watching Lawrence of Arabia and cultivating his abject disdain for humanity.
  • Fic about the first time Vickers saw David and her reaction.
  • Really, anything about their relationship, but not in a sexy way, please.
  • Fic where David and Vickers have a conversation about how they are both, ultimately, working towards the same goal.
  • Post-movie fic where David and Shaw have a contentious relationship (non-sexy relationship. relationship in the general sense.) wherein they both realize they have something the other needs and thus can't split up.
  • David creeping on everyone's dreams, storing up information about them and sizing them up so he can decide how best to manipulate them all.
  • Maybe things that aren't about Vickers or David, but probably not. Really, I mostly want their story. And David being a manipulative little shit.

I'm going to be pissed if this is ineligible for yuletide based entirely on fic written pre-movie :\


So, on Saturday I saw Prometheus again with chiasmus and on Sunday I saw the broadcast of the National Theatre's Frankenstein with Cumberbatch as the creature and Johnny Lee Miller as the doctor. Unsurprisingly, a double feature with themes (and titles, of course) that similar has left ~*ideas*~ in my head. I have Thoughts. But, I am trying to polish off the last bits of my xmenreversebang, so I haven't really had time to write them down. Still. So many thoughts, guys.


My reverse bang is really close to being done. In typical Kaitlyn fashion, I have underestimated its length about fifteen times. Remember when this was going to be 8k? Um, yeah, it's probably going to be twice that, now. But I have one full scene left and one half scene and an epilogue which I want to be short, but will probably go on for a bit given it's a happy domestic scene and I tend to overwrite those. But I'll definitely be done by the real deadline and probably even be done with my draft (pre-beta) by the "deadline." Hurrah!

I go back and forth between liking it and thinking it's really boring. If nothing else, the art my artist has done is fucking amazing, so even if the story sucks, everyone else will be jealous of how great the art is XD

Okay, time to pack it in and go home.


(And thanks, as usual, for all your comments on yesterday's entry. I appreciate you guys more than I can adequately express. ♥ ♥ ♥)

i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, writing: is hard, movies, theatre, horror movies

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