seriously, how is it only 2:30?

Jun 14, 2012 14:26

Hi, internet. Long time no LJ. Or at least, that's what it feels like. I've been pretty blah and I try not to get my blah on all of you, though I know I don't always succeed.

I've been writing a lot of fic, sleeping, working, and badering people via email, mostly. I sleep so poorly during the week that I don't really have a lot of energy to LJ in the evenings? And I've been busy at work or writing fic. Also, my life is super boring. So. Sorry about that.

BUT! My reverse bang is just about done (two more sections, one of which is gonna be a bitch to write, but we'll see) and my artist made more pictures based on my story and they are AMAZING and I've been writing this college AU that's mostly about feelings and I'm trying to finish something up to post on my ~*fandom anniversary*~, which I have semi-arbitrarily decided is June 17th. (June 17, 2011 is the first time I posted XMFC fic, as opposed to the first time I saw the movie, which was June 10.)

Mostly I'm just trying to keep my head above water and to convince myself that it's okay to sometimes NOT write words or to spend a day in bed or whatever. I am not a failure for wanting to read comics or watch teevee instead of writing. Et cetera.

Also, I need to start eating at least two meals like, semi-regularly.


Hey, so, mcwonthelottery, everaidenn and I will be in NYC from July 19-22! We are seeing shows the evening of the 19th and 20th and a matinee on the 21st, but, as far as I know, we don't have a ton planned otherwise, so we should hang out! It will be good times! Let me know if you'll be around!


I guess that is mostly it, except for how I can't believe it's only Thursday. IT SHOULD BE FRIDAY. SERIOUSLY. And not just because I am excited for BREAKFAST ADVENTURE 2012: PART ONE on Saturday. (Although I am. Mmmmm breakfast....) Just because this week has dragged FOREVER and I need to be...not at work for a couple days.

How are you guys?

rl blathering, work: office girl, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, slanty face, new jersey!

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