"I'm glad you had to explain who Pink was to me."

Jan 27, 2012 11:10

Hello, internet.

I have emails to respond to (SO MANY EMAILS <3) and hole-punching to do and ficlets to write, but here--have an LJ entry.

We've been doing a mass mailing at work and this week has been dedicated to assembling the materials, packing them into envelopes, labelling the envelopes, and getting them in the mail. For a couple days there were just boxes and boxes piled up between my desk and Margaret's, like someone had erected a wall to keep us from having feelings at each other (::side-eyes the other department::). But finally, after lots of running around and papercuts and being crazy at each other, everything is gone. HURRAH.

(The crowning moment being how we kept ending up with an uneven number of supplies, so we made more, and still somehow only ended up with one extra. I DON'T EVEN KNOW. This is what happens when you ask two English majors and a therapist to count to 350, apparently. When we finally got everything in envelopes, Doug and I were freaking out because there was STILL a weird number of things left over and Margaret just put on her coat and was like, "We're going outside to get coffee. Right now." So we did.)

Anyway, there's that done. Mentally I'm still sort of spiralling downward, but...it happens. I'm used to it. etc.



Kait: NETFLIX! You and the internet cannot be out at the same time! If you're both not working, then we'll have to actually talk to each other.
Becca: Noooooo! Internet, if you don't get your shit together I'm going to have to start writing websites on the walls. Although I'll improve the site design of AO3 by adding a "Judged" button.

Becca: AO3 will just be a scroll. And it will be the worst because you'll only be able to read Sherlock fic and I'll only be able to read X-Men fic.
Kait: UGH.
Becca: "Ugh, this pocky_slash person is posting all their fic at once!"
Kait: "Why isn't anyone posting any good fic? Refresh the scroll!"

Klappar Haj was despairing because he could not email his girlfriends.

(Kait: Klappar Haj, I know you're excited to be on the internet now that I'm home, but you need to back off and get off my laptop.
Becca: Klappar Haj has to email his girlfriends!)

I probably should have used that time to write, but instead I just went to bed early. Not early enough, however, as I'm more exhausted today than I was yesterday. DAMNATION.

At least tonight is take-out and drinking a lot night. (aka Friday.)


Thanks to everyone who did my totally self-indulgent meme yesterday. I appreciated the boost ♥ ♥ ♥ I'm trying to pay people back today as it's just me and Margaret in the office, but we'll see. I'm still pretty sleepy and I do have to hole-punch a gazillion things at some point.

margaret, quotes, work: office girl, cardigan central, klappar haj

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