a meme where you do all the work. sorry. (i'll do the work on yours?)

Jan 26, 2012 08:50

Internet, I am pretty much in a full-on depressive episode.

I don't generally like to talk about this shit above a cut for several reasons. Not only is it triggering for some folks, but also I hate talking about my feelings. Suffice to say this is more than just the usual January blues. I'm trying not to be a total miserable fuck, but you know how this shit goes. Sorry.

Anyway, because I'd really like to smile today (I'm stressing myself out over things I DON'T EVEN NEED TO STRESS OUT ABOUT and I have never felt more like staying in bed all day to ~*needlessly cry*~ over basically nothing), I thought I'd revive this old meme that I haven't done since about 2008, according to my LJ. It's basically the "you write for me" meme.

The Five-Minute Warning: A multi-fandom fic challenge


1. Clear your schedule for five minutes (or longer if you have time, I'm not gonna turn down more fic).
3. Then look under the cut tag, where you will find ten prompts, all of which are book song titles (selected at random from my shelves iPod because I'm at work).
4. Choose one of the prompts, and - using any appropriate fandom/character[s] (meaning ones you know I enjoy) - write.
5. Reply with your teeny weeny story in the comments to this post.
6. Repost this in your journal and make your friends write for you! (I will do my best. I don't know how busy I'll be today. Yesterday I was hardly online at all.)

1. I Was Born
2. Once Upon a Time There Was an Ocean
3. You Made Me Forget My Dreams
4. Falling Slowly
5. Every Day I Write the Book
6. Fat Man and Dancing Girl
7. Are You Out There
8. I Had No Right
9. You in the End
10. I'm Sorry I Love You

fic: meme, slanty face

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