"charles and erik are best friends and roommates!......no one understands my brilliance."

Jan 09, 2012 11:30


And a Monday when I have to go to one of the meetings I hate, which is three hours long and blah and awful and I JUST WANT TO GO HOME AND READ FIC AND WATCH MORE SHITTY HORROR MOVIES. Or maybe even some good ones.


I didn't get anything I needed to do done this weekend. Which, maybe I shouldn't have planned a massive rehaul of my room the same weekend that secret_mutant closed, so... yes. It was a wash, but I don't feel too bad about it. Except for how I have a mountain of laundry and don't remember what my floor looks like and can't see my desk. But. Next weekend? :D?


So, in the wake of the Sherlock 2x01 reactions, I've discovered something about the way I interact with fandom:

I really don't want to argue any more.

I mean, I guess I've known this for a while? I get really defensive about Who--it's my happy place. S5 and S6 made me SO consistantly happy in my heart. I could recognize that there were elements that weren't perfect, but I didn't want to focus on that, I wanted to focus on the things I liked and attempt to rectify the problems through fic if need be. I'm the same way with XMFC--there were clearly flaws with the movie, but instead of writing a dissertation about how it was [insert whatever here], I just, you know, bring everyone back from the dead and read AUs where no one is evil and all the characters are fleshed out appropriately.

I'm not saying that people shouldn't interact with the text or object if they find it problematic, but I guess I'm just tired of letting those issues get in the way of my enjoyment or feeling bad for liking something that other people deem bad/wrong/sexist/racist/whatever. So, "different strokes for different folks," as it were, I suppose. If dissecting the text is your way of dealing with problems you have with your favorite canons, totally go for it. But, with absolutely no offense intended, I probably won't read it because I've shifted to this sort of "focus on the positive!" form of fannish interaction.

Maybe I'm getting old? idk. But it's something I'm realizing with increasing frequency. And with increasing guilt. Because I APPRECIATE and UNDERSTAND the problems people have and it's the same sort of stuff that I used to get upset about too, but I find myself, these days, being like, "Well, I understand, but it makes me happy and I just want them to all be best friends and live in the mansion and everyone's in love and happy forever, okay?"

I don't want this to come across as me being like, "Fannish Activist are losers!" Because I'm not like that! I love you guys! I just... do not fit into that category. And just want to like the things I like. ::curls up around them protectively::


Who knew I had all that in my brain? I certainly didn't! Um, okay! Well, this was a fun diversion. And now I am too tired to think of anything else to say. HAVE A GOOD MONDAY, FOLKS. Mine is balls so far, but...it's Monday. I didn't expect much better.

rl blathering, work: office girl, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, sherlock, fandom

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