"i didn't come on vacation to die!"

Nov 29, 2011 18:24

Hello, internet.

I'm grumpy today. Grumpy grumpy grumpy. I went to bed early last night because I was extra tired and then I woke up in the middle of the night to have stomach things. idk, every once in awhile I'm just violently ill with really no explanation. I've been hospitalized for it twice (or, well, I've gone to the ED and been admitted for observation), but no one knows what it is and it usually doesn't last longer than a day, so whatever. ANYWAY. The point is I was sick this morning and called in to work and then spent all day not sleeping well and not getting anything done. So. Cranky.


I'm very close in finishing up my bits of the big bang. All the scenes I need to write are now chronologically complete. I really just need to do the week leading up to Major Plot Point and the aftermath of Major Plot Point. (I already wrote Major Plot Point and ran it by littledust, who made the IM equivalent of a sound only dogs can hear, so I think I'm okay with that bit.)

No Muppets until I finish. So I need to put my nose to the grindstone already.

Arthur Christmas on Friday! Dar on Saturday! My goal is to be done with this before those things and have it off in beta-type hands!


Oh man, so apparently someone is running a fic exchange on Tumblr? And I already don't understand tumblr as a platform for fic--you can't comment, really! It's terribly hard to read! I tend to just scroll past if it comes by because that's more reading than I want to do on tumblr. But like, that aside, it is apparently a fic exchange for ~*only the cool kids*~ and you have to ~*audition*~ to participate and...yeah. I may bitch about badfic, but there's nothing quite like publicly advertising for a fest and then saying, "But only the people I like and the people I deem worthy."

I just can't wrap my mind around it. OH, FANDOM. Never stop being filled with jerks.

Oh, wait. The opposite of that.



how it falls by littledust - xm:fc - charles/erik + ensemble - pg13

So, when littledust and I were in New York, we wandered through the Bryant Park holiday market and the conversation meandered around to how Charles would be like, "omg, we should go ice skating!" And Erik's like, "Wow, a part of all of this holiday shit that I'm actually excited about!" Except that Charles is, of course, ass at ice skating and has to be dragged around by Erik, which was maybe kind of the point.

littledust took that and ran with it and expanded it into 4k of X-family shenanigans where everyone is perfect and a family and wonderful and Moira is snarky and Angel and Raven are on the same wavelength and Darwin is looking out for everyone and Charles is arrogant and Erik is completely exasperated by the whole thing, but drawn in at the same time, because these are his people.

It's brilliant and you should go read it right now!


Okay! I'm going to buckle down and write. It's going to be awesome. And then maybe I'll eat some food and/or take some pills to make my headache go away. Tomorrow will be better. I proclaim it to be so.

sick, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, writing: is hard, i am a bad person, fandom, rec

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