so many thiiinnnggssss! ::runs around::

Nov 08, 2011 14:21

Hello, internet!

So, things got really busy, really fast. The draft of big bang is due in just over a week, secret_mutant sign-ups closed today, which means it's time to start matching, I'm going to New York this weekend (with littledust!), and I'm still working full time and trying to write every day.

So. Busy. Sorry about that.


On Saturday, mcwonthelottery and I went to Ikea. It was magical. It's always magical, I mean, but this time was extra magical. We went to buy a new chair for our living room. Because we are Mature Responsible Adults (tm), we came home with a chair, a shelf, tupperware, six cinnamon rolls, two stuffed mice, and a shark.

The shark's name is Klappar Haj. He's our new best friend/favorite roommate.

We spent most of Saturday night hugging Klappar Haj and saying things like, "I'm so glad we bought a shark!" and "Klappar Haj is my favorite roommate!" We also took pictures of ourselves hugging Klappar Haj and put them on Twitter. It was a super productive night.

Saturday also involved the creation of "The Bandroids Go To Ikea." If you're unfamiliar with Tony Stark and the Bandroids, it's one of our crazy made-up crack-fic verses based on Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Basically, we decided the EMH theme song was written and performed by Tony and his band, the Bandroids, to showcase his pain. While at Ikea, we decided that Pepper needed to go to Ikea to pick up some glassware. Steve was like, "Ooo, Miss Pepper, where are you going? Can I come too?" and Pepper was like, "Of course." Then Thor, Steve's new BFF, wanted in on it and Pepper begrudgingly agreed, only to get out to the car and see Tony already buckled in the back seat.

(It goes about as well as you'd expected; Tony makes Steve "test" the showers with him. They call come home with stuffed sharks and full trays of cinnamon rolls. Pepper contemplates setting the Avengers mansion on fire with everyone inside and running away to a small tropical island.)


Sunday was Knitting for Boozehags! I attempted to write but mostly drank cider and got progressively more angry at the words I was trying to write. There was a nice turn out and everyone seemed to have a good time and there was a ton of food and booze. I may have accidentally stayed up waaaaay past my bedtime talking to littledust about embarrassing personal things (and also mutants), but I don't remember most of it now, so that means it's less mortifying, right? Right!


It's funny, usually I wake up on Monday feeling like the weekend flew by, but on Monday morning this week, I thought, "Well, that was a weekend." I guess that's what happens when you actually go out and do things every day instead of just sitting in the same seat on your computer, letting all the hours blend together.


I'm still doing momebie's worth 50,000 thing. I'm still hella behind on comments. I apologize! I don't see that changing any time soon.


Sometime between now and Friday morning I need to do laundry and re-henna my hair. Also, any New Yorker friends who want to hang out should text/email/call/whatever. Let me know, dudes. We don't really have a set agenda past "The Charles Xavier Walking Tour of Manhattan," so...yes.


Okay, back to work and big banging and all of that. You are all the best!

tony stark and the bandroids, cardigan central, klappar haj, friends

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