"I have a lot of feelings about Charles Xavier right now. My feelometer is off the charts!"

Oct 25, 2011 12:16

Hello, internet.

Well, another Not My Fandom Fest has come and gone and all I've got to show for it is this bag full of rocks.

Or something. No, legit, you guys were awesome. I didn't participate quite as much because I've not been on my game recently (it's a good thing I've got health insurance now because "Find a PCP who will prescribe me psychiatric drugs" rocketed up to the top of my to-do list in the past couple weeks), but I laughed so hard at so many of them. Tonight or tomorrow (this week is busy) I'm going to try and put together a rec list for some of my favorites. So much goodness, though. You guys are awesome ♥

Now my fannish efforts have shifted to modding secret_mutant. You guys should all check it out if your proclivities skew towards mutants these days. It's a Charles/Erik holiday exchange! Who doesn't love holidays? And Charles and Erik? And bad clip art? NO ONE.

I'm sort of modding it by committee. I made a sock to serve as the mod account since it's anon posting and all, and though it's pretty obvious I'm pulling the strings (especially since I keep responding to comments with pocky_slash), every time something comes up I end up running it by brilligspoons or bessiemaemucho or littledust or mcwonthelottery. Thus, modding by committee. Sort of.

I'm pretty excited, not gonna lie. Some good stuff's been prompted so far from some pretty neat people and it's only the second day of sign-ups.

Remind me to be excited the first week of November, when I have to match everyone, and the week before Christmas, when people start dropping out, okay?


So I have the early stages of a head cold, which in Kait-speak means I have an actualfax headcold and snot weasels have moved into my skull and begun to hoard rocks, but I don't want to be sick so I'm trying to mentally will it away. Yesterday brilligspoons was still in Jersey and her boss was out of the office, so I was alone in our cube. I didn't see my boss until basically lunch time and spent the whole day feeling tired and vaguely stoned. That feeling has returned today, though I feel a little more with-it mentally, at least.

I really can't be sick this week. I have a lot to do and I'm definitely going to be sick next week as this weekend is quatredeathlady's party and I always get sick after spending a weekend with her cats. Unfortunately, my brain doesn't see it that way. ::shakes fist::

Speaking of the party, sometime in the next three days I need to a) finalize the menu, b) go grocery shopping, and c) bake all the things. At least it looks like people are actually coming this year!

(I also have to hope that my package of movies gets here before Friday. My brother claims he mailed it a week ago but it's not here yet. The full story to this, I guess, is that I ordered a bunch of movies from Deep Discount during their Halloween sale and accidentally used the wrong saved address and they ended up in New Jersey. I can't even remember, at this point, what's in the package. It will be a pleasant surprise.)


Does anyone on the internet want to see Paranormal Activity 3 with me? Anyone local on the internet, I mean? I don't want to go by myself, but....yes. It's looking that way.


In a similar call to action, I am thinking of visiting the greater NYC area over Veteran's Day weekend to see friends. Not family, this time, just friends. I think it's going to end up just being me, though I invited mcwonthelottery and I was wondering if I could, perhaps, couch-surf for the length of my stay? And even if you can't offer me a couch, who wants to hang out?

I'll probably make an actualfax post about this in the near future, but it's something to keep in mind? :D? :D? :D?


I really hope Adopted Dad Logan becomes an internet meme. Or, well, maybe not really because I don't think anyone could do it as well as bessiemaemucho. Last night, Adopted Dad Logan told me a bedtime story. I've included it under the cut, so you can all be as enriched as I was:

pocky_slash: Twitter, I'm so tired and I still feel funky. ::flops:: Entertain me?
bessiemaemucho: I'll ask our adopted dad, Logan, to tell you a bedtime story.
pocky_slash: Oh good! I love bedtime stories with booze-fueled decapitation !
bessiemaemucho: "Listen, darlin', best cure for whatever ails you'd probably be a beer. Think there's still some in the fridge."
bessiemaemucho: "No, wait, I drank the last one. Why don't you go out and get some?"
bessiemaemucho: *opens bottle* "Hmm. Imported. Think you're fancy, kid? Anyway, you wanted a story? Let's see."
bessiemaemucho: "I ever tell you about the time I read a piece of Erik/Charles/me fanfiction? That shit was fucked up."
bessiemaemucho: "Naturally, I got Hank to track the IP address of whoever posted that shit. It turned out to be a 13-year-old girl."
bessiemaemucho: "I was torn between a desire to decapitate her and a desire to take her to the mall and roll my eyes while she shops."
bessiemaemucho: "So I stole all her parents' beer and slashed all the power lines leading to her house."
bessiemaemucho: "The moral of the story is, if you are wrong on the internet, I will punish you. Goodnight, Kait! Sweet dreams!"
bessiemaemucho: "You're welcome, kid. I'm going out for a smoke. Don't wait up for me."


I think it's lunchtime (or "Food Christmas," as we like to call it). I should find brilligspoons and make the lunchtime face at her.

movies, nicole, halloween, renata, sick, quotes, not my fandom fest, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now

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