mutant claus is coming to town?

Oct 17, 2011 08:43

Hi, kids. How was your weekend? Mine was pretty great, but today is Monday, which seems really unfair. Half of last week was Monday. Doesn't that give us a pass on this week's Monday? I think it should.

Anyway, I'm going to post like, five times today. I apologize in advance. I just have ~*things to do*~, et cetera, I'm popular, whatev.


I know that the mods of erik_charles are planning a holiday exchange similar to the one they hosted this summer, but I was wondering if there was any interest in something a little more low-key, not INSTEAD OF their exchange, mind, but in addition to. It would be run a little differently, a more traditional anon-secret-santa type thing than the summer exchange and people could do art instead of a fic if they'd like, and the fic minimum would probably be 500 words. Just a little something to spread some mutant holiday cheer.

If enough people are interested in this, I totes plan on emailing the mods of erik_charles just to let them know and to make sure I won't be stepping on any toes, but I don't want to do that before I know what the general thoughts of the mutant-loving population are.


Poll mutant holiday bonanza

Legit, tell your friends, guys. Pimp this shit out on your twitter or your tumblr or whatever. I'M CURIOUS AS TO WHETHER THIS IDEA IS VIABLE.

Anyway, later today there will be some Not My Fandom Fest prep stuff, so Watch This Space.

i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, poll

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