lots of things!

May 05, 2011 20:40

I'm pretty bad at blogging lately. Whoops.



diane_mckay has podficced A Vision Too Removed To Mention!! I've only listened to the first few minutes (and then, okay, I fast-forwarded to when Gwen remembers Ianto because Gwen+Ianto is still my OTBFF), but it sounds awesome and you should give it a listen! You can find it here! It's about an hour and a half long and... yes. VERY EXCITING.


White Collar Porch Con gets better every day, guys.


So, the other night we bought a Wii.

Well. Becca bought a Wii. I drove us to the store to get it.

We have named our Wii Canton. Yesterday, I made Miis of all of Team Eleventy. We have also played many sports against each other, as we don't have any other games yet. We do have Netflix, though. OH MAN. OUR LIVES. SO MUCH BETTER.

In conclusion, we will be leaving our house even less than usual.


This weekend is Bad Movie Weekend! I... still haven't written up the last one. Whoops. :\ BUT IT IS SHARK WEEK, REDUX, I THINK. We are watching at least one shark movie, starring our new BFF Mark Sheppard. Also, a Backstreet Boy.


I cannot recommend Ben and Jerry's Red Velvet Ice cream.


The end?

podfic, canton the wii

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