stuff and music and things

Mar 21, 2011 19:08

Oh, Mondays. I am not a fan. I mean, I'm really not a fan of all the week days right now, but a cold, snowy Monday after spending the weekend with my ladyfriend? I am especially not in favor of this.

Anyway, there's been an influx of new people friending my journal lately and also people that I've friended, and I know sometimes it's confusing to jump right into someone's life-in-progress, so I figured I'd do a little introduction post. It's been a while since I've done one of those, I think.

Well, my name is Kaitlyn, but I generally go by Kait both online and off. I know some people are hesitant to use people's real names in a fandom setting, but, honestly, just go with Kait. Otherwise, I just get confused.

Anyway, I'll be twenty-six in May. I've been in fandom for just about fifteen years. I live in the Boston area with mcwonthelottery in an apartment fondly called Cardigan Central. Becca and I are insane, but in the way that's awesome, because we are the funniest/most awesome people ever. Proven fact. We live very self-contained lives that mostly consist of going to work, coming home, watching teevee on dvd together while reading/complaining about the internet, then doing it all again the next day. Prior to this, I lived with my parents (with whom I get along rather well) and brother in suburban New Jersey, about thirty-five minutes outside of New York City. New York is still my city and I miss it constantly. Right now, I'm temping while looking for full time work. I've been looking for a year and I've been temping since September. It's slowly destroying my soul :\ When I lived in NJ after I graduated college, I was the head of the children's department at a local chain bookstore (the one that hasn't declared bankruptcy). I simultaneously loved and loathed that job. I miss it, sometimes, but I don't regret leaving. I have a very lovely ladyfriend whom I don't see nearly as often as I would like.

I suffer from clinical depression and several other physical and mental issues that arise as complications from that. I only mention this because I've been in the midst of a pretty heavy depressive episode since mid-January and I've been posting about it a lot lately. Those tend to be the only posts I lock and I try to not make too many of them, but it's been hard, lately, and I apologize in advance. They're usually cut.

Here are some things I like:

  • Cupcakes - when I lived at home I baked A LOT. I was always bringing stuff into The Bookstore. I've baked less since moving out, but I'm trying to get back in the habit. I signed up for Boston's Cupcake Camp!
  • Kids' Books - I have a truly frightening, nearly encyclopedic knowledge of children's literature, from 0-18. If you ever want a recommendation for a child in your life, please ask. I miss that part of my old job the most.
  • Dinosaurs - Rawr.
  • Teevee with either space ships or crime - One day I'll write a crime show in space and it will be amazing.
  • Being an asshole with Becca - About half my posts are inside jokes that we think are hilarious. Because we're the most hilarious people on the planet. For reals.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a million other things that are relevant to my life, but whatevs. That's me! Welcome to my boring life.

Oh, and if you're interested, I'm @fourteenacross on Twitter. Mostly I tweet hilarious things said in my house, and also when I'm tired.


So, I've had a song stuck in my head a lot recently and it's kind of appropriate for today. It is by someone whom I like a great deal, and I think you should listen to it and, if you like it, DL it. It's a pretty good reflection of my state of mind recently, but also of the frigging weather today, what the fuck even:

image Click to view

And here it is in MP3 form:

Mighty Kate - Winter


I also have a music meme to do from dremiel, but I'm saving that for a different post because it's going to take a MILLION YEARS because ALL THE GOOD SONGS START WITH C.

Now I need to eat all the food and also try to rip my uterus out.

rl blathering, cardigan central, music, work: temp, mighty kate

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