random things I have written on post-it notes

Mar 12, 2011 11:27

Look, guys! It's a post that's not about my fucked up brain! I bet you're excited!

  • One: Just a friendly reminder: There is one rule on this journal: I won't harsh your squee if you don't squee my harsh. As we get closer to S4, I just think it's a good thing to put out there. And if you catch me harshing your squee (I haven't been in the right place, mentally, for a few weeks now, obvs, and sometimes I type before I think), please feel free to remind me to can it.

  • So, on my laptop, I was like, "wtf is everyone complaining about? The LJ banner isn't bad at all. In fact, it's kind of pretty!" Then I went to work and on that computer it's the eye-piercing yellow that most of you seem to see so... yeah. Luckily, I'll be doing all of my LJing on William from now on.

  • I continue to have really odd vivid dreams. I will almost be sorry to see them go if I ever pull myself out of this spell.

  • My new work!BFF is kind of the greatest. I mean, I'm totally, 100% a huge nerd and I don't try that hard to hide it. But most of my friends are also nerds and most of our conversations just... skew towards the nerdy. Which is FINE. It's AWESOME. I love nerdy conversations. But it's kind of neat to just talk about dresses and college theses and and hair color for an hour a day, too.

  • I am super shocked at the outcome of f_march_madness. I'm pleased for Community fans--I've seen half of the first season and I really like it and I always wonder why I don't watch the whole thing--but I called Eleven to win way at the start. And I definitely didn't think Troy would last that long. But good for him!

  • We're starting Sports Night soon, which is good, 'cause I've been craving it. DANNY! CASEY! DANA! JEREMY! NATALIE! ISSAC! KIM! ELLIOT! CHRIS! DAVE! WILL! I need more Sorkin in my life, stat.

  • Kai Owen's new twitter picture is him with a child sleeping on his chest. GO ON, KAI OWEN. BE MORE ADORABLE. I DARE YOU.

  • I'm super pleased with the guest list for D*Con so far. A couple Davids and a Kate would make it even better, but so far it's looking rad. Also, I am costuming for the first time this year, I think. (For the first time at D*Con. I've done it at other cons before.) It should be rad all around. Now let's just pray I get a job before con so I can afford it.

And that's it! I'm about to take a shower and head over to everaidenn's for lunch and hangs. Then I'm taking soup and tea and things to my ladyfriend, who's got the plague. She also doesn't have internet right now, so I'll see you folks later!

torchwood, el jay, dragoncon 11, work: temp, sports night, friends

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