Vampires: Just Like Tigers and Earthquakes

Feb 27, 2011 13:06

First off, a couple quick scenes from Cardigan Central:

quatredeathlady: I just don't understand how anyone could love a character who's always like, "I'm immortal--you go first."

pocky_slash: This might be easier if... ::flicks on light::
mcwonthelottery: But then you can't make drunken decisions in the dark.
quatredeathlady: I haven't been drinking! I'm not making drunken decisions about anything, I'm playing dress-up with my cousin!

mcwonthelottery: (re: a quote from Hugh on Being Human) He'd kill bears.
pocky_slash: With his bare hands! And his Bear Hands. Which he took from the other bears he killed and wears on his own hands.
mcwonthelottery: He has a collection. He's like, "::pawing at bears:: WHERE'S YOUR GOD NOW?"
quatredeathlady: I'd watch that show.


Hello, internet! It's Sunday morning! It feels like it was just Thursday night and we were anxiously awaiting quatredeathlady's arrival and I was getting chocolate on my skirt like a winner. Now Nicole's gone home and my life is sadder. Also, only one person is making fun of me at any given moment instead of two.

It is also mcwonthelottery's for-real birthday! Yesterday was her fake birthday, but I think it went pretty smashingly. Brunch, cake, pie, fic, presents, etc. Good times were had by all!

Friday was RIDIC at work. I really, really don't like this job, guys. Ugh. But! Eventually I got home and the three of us watched Jekyll, which Nicole had never seen, and ate Thai food. Then Nicole and I stayed up way too late talking, a tradition started... probably as soon as we learned how to talk. Saturday was brunch at S&S, then Being Human all day while I attempted to make a cake, failed, and then somewhat regained my equilibrium and presented something edible, if not what I originally intended.

Also, we watched Friday's Supernatural, which even I thought was funny, and at that point, I'd only had one and a half drinks, so. Also also, Nicole helped me pick out an outfit for my date by immediately nixing the two things I had sort of planned on wearing and then making me trying on all my clothes for her, while Becca watched, vaguely amused, and occasionally chimed in.

Tragically, Nicole left this morning. OUR LIVES: THE HARDEST. Peter Burke seriously has nothing on us.



In order to kick our butts into writing-gear, kel_reiley started march_for_words and I sort of helped. It's a community where the focus is on progress, not quantity, and supporting each other through getting writing shit done during the month of March. We're still trying to hammer out how to use the comm to the best effect, so please go over, join up, and throw in your two cents.


Anyway, I have to do girly things today, but first, pie for breakfast. Yay! Pie!

quotes, writing: is hard, cardigan central, nicole, being human

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