Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 25, 2010 12:28

SAM: Well over three and a half centuries ago, linked by faith and bound by a common desire for liberty, a small band of pilgrims sought out a place in the New World where they could worship according to their own beliefs... and solve crimes.
TOBY: Sam...
SAM: It'd be good!
TOBY: Read the thing.
SAM: By day, they churn butter and worship according to their own beliefs and by night, they solve crimes.
TOBY: Read the thing.
SAM: Pilgrim detectives.
TOBY: Do you see me laughing?
SAM: I think you're laughing on the inside.
TOBY: Okay.
SAM: With the big hats.
TOBY: Give me the speech.

Happy Thanksgiving, Internet! Well, American Internet, at least. I love Thanksgiving for a lot of reasons, but most of them boil down to the fact that I love Thanksgiving food. I love turkey and mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce and corn and pie and all of those things. Also, my family doesn't totally suck and it's nice to have a day off where I can eat and laugh and remember WHY my family doesn't suck.

I hope that those of you celebrating are at least able to take that out of it. I hope that the rest of you are having an awesome Thursday and aren't too annoyed at all the Americans on your flist going, "OH MAN, THANKSGIVING, WHAT EVEN!"

It is snowing here in New Jersey, and we watched the Macy's parade as we cooked. Well, on and off, at least. We saw Santa, and that's what's important. I always get a little wibbly when Santa shows up in the parade, not gonna lie. It's one of those symbols of my childhood. It means it's Thanksgiving and things are okay and Christmas is coming soon. For a bunch of agnostics, we're big Christmas fans.

We're going to my aunt's house later to partake in EATING ALL THE THINGS, and it will be weird because some of my younger cousins are missing out this year and I haven't seen them in awhile, but there will still be food and ridiculousness.

For the record, Internet, I am very thankful for my family and for how supportive they've been over the past few months during my move. I am thankful for mcwonthelottery. I am thankful for my support network in Boston and I am thankful for all of you. Thanks for coming by when you did and thanks for sticking around. I don't really have a social circle outside of fangirls, so having you all reading and reading about your lives is important to me.

Anyway, all the sappiness aside, enjoy your turkey or your evening or BOTH.

quotes, family stuff, thanksgiving, tww, friends

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