the more things change

Nov 21, 2010 20:58

Yesterday was "Knitting for Boozehags." Except half the Boozehags didn't show and no one brought knitting, so it turned into "Jekyll-watching for Boozehags," because all it takes is the slightest provocation for mcwonthelottery and I to decide to re-watch Jekyll. Plus, paper_tzipporah and chicleeblair had never seen it, and that's just a tragedy.

Also, everaidenn paused in chopping twelve pounds of vegetables long enough to drop by and hang with us for a little while. Which was great, because we made her a cake! She got laid off recently and her dumb job didn't acknowledge her awesomeness, so we picked up the slack. We made an AWESOME cake that I wish I took a picture of. It said, "We love you, Tina! You are awesome at books and shit!"

It was pretty great.

Anyway, we drank drinks and ate pizza and watched Jekyll and then everyone left and Becca and I watched a lot of Psych.

My thoughts on Psych can pretty much always be summed up with, "OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM!" and "BURTON GUSTER! YOU ARE MY FAVORITE!" Which I pretty much just repeat over and over again while I'm watching episodes. Becca can attest to it.

Tonight was more Psych and also CriMinds. Tomorrow I go back to work for three days and then back to Parsippany for the holiday.

Life continues onward.


I'm in this awkward place right now where I'm hovering right at the cusp of a depressive episode. I think the positive environment is keeping me up on this end of it, whereas in the past I would have kept tumbling down until I needed a mental health day spent sobbing in bed.

It's frustrating. It's not very productive. I've pretty much given up on hitting 50k with NaNo this year, even though I started off so strong. I know that it's just NaNo, but it feels like a personal failure as well when days go by and I don't write anything. It hasn't even been that long, but I set up these personal goals for myself, goals that really mean nothing in the scheme of things, and get down on myself when I don't make them. I mean, I'm temping for barely enough money to live, so if I'm not writing, what am I doing with my brain?

Anyway. It will pass. It always does. But I've been having crazy anxiety dreams these past couple days which haven't been helping my sleeping habits, and also my persistent cough hasn't helped.

I don't know. It will pass. I'm confident in that. I just wish it would pass sooner.

cardigan central, burton guster i love you, criminal minds is the new ncis, slanty face, psych, friends

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