lyrics meme!

Nov 21, 2010 12:00

So, dremiel and count_to_seven both did this last night, and since it's Sunday morning and I'm still groggy from the hellish night I had, I thought I'd do it too. Also, because I love this meme. (Back in the day, twilighted, _morning_glow, and I used to do this shit like, once a month. I think the rest of our crew might have done it that often too, but my memory is hazy.)

Anyway, you know the deal. Fifteen songs, here are some lyrics from them. Not necessarily the first line, just some lyrics. Guess the song without googling, which is for lame-os. (I skipped any artist that came up more than once.)

1. But way back where I come from, we never mean to bother,
We don’t like to make our passions other peoples concern - Iowa by Dar Williams (leiascully)

2. Take the sky, for example, a canvas of a million suns,
but our local hero shines them out by day
save for the blinking of a Venus or Mars - Hideaway by The Weepies (bookblather)

3. If we slide on over and accept faith,
then it's bound to be a powerful thing. - Black and White People by Matchbox Twenty (quatredeathlady)

4. But you'll fight and you'll make it through
You'll fake it if you have to
And you'll show up for work with a smile. - A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley (metonymy)

5. I watched it for a little while,
I love to watch things on teevee - Satellite of Love by Lou Reed (metonymy)

6. I'm not surprised to see you haven't thought it through enough
You never had the head for all that bigger picture stuff - Re: Your Brains by Jonathan Coulton (leiascully)

7. I'll always keep him company, he'll never be alone.
We can hang around the house all day and watch The Twilight Zone. - I Want An Alien for Christmas by Fountains of Wayne (kel_reiley)

8. It's these windows who are telling me
To rid my dirty mind of all of its preciousness - Rebel Prince by Rufus Wainwright (mcwonthelottery)

9. All the things I knew I didn't know and didn't want to know
that you told me just to tell me later that you'd told me so - The Things We Did and Didn't Do by The Magnetic Fields (kel_reiley)

10. Golden apples on the mountain this one fell to me
We are planets in a heartless gravity - Guinevere by Lucy Kaplansky (coffeesuperhero)

11. I'm just an ordinary guy
And all I want is to be loved--is that so wrong? - Fired by Ben Folds (mcwonthelottery)

12. There’s a darkness upon me that’s flooded in light
In the fine print they tell me what’s wrong and what's right - Head Full of Doubt by the Avett Brothers (dremiel gets full credit, likeadeuce guessed the band!)

13. I said, "Hey, you know, breakdowns come and breakdowns go,
so what are you gonna do about it? That's what I'd like to know." - Gumboots by Paul Simon (dremiel, and three quarters credit to likeadeuce who guessed the artist and album but not the song XD)

14. I am an ocean,
I am the wind that fills your sails
and leads you to be free - Imperfectly by Katy Pfaffl and Scott Chasolen (harmonyangel)

15. Rosy child, strong and wild, with apple lungs
You, you breath with ease
Floating on the breeze - Empty Bottle by Ingrid Michaelson (dremiel)

lyrics meme

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