Let's not be dicks on the internet, okay?

Oct 21, 2010 21:10

Internet, I understand that Gwen isn't the world's most popular character in fic. I get it. I really do. And I promise you, I am always super flattered when people say, "Reading your fic gives me a new appreciation for Gwen." I like the idea that I'm able to shed light on the character in a way that helps people understand why she's appealing.

However, I'd really, super appreciate it if you would perhaps be conscious of the fact that, yes, you might not like Gwen (or any other character), but I clearly do. And when you leave a comment that says, "Normally, I want to stab Gwen with poisoned skewers, but this fic made me think she's not that bad!" perhaps I am a little bit hurt that you would say that about one of my favorite characters.

I get what you're trying to do--you want to express just how much my story knocked your socks off by saying, "You made me like [x], which I never like, so you must be awesome." And in small doses, that's okay! For example:

"Wow, Jack's not my favorite character, but you really made me understand what he must have gone though. Awesome job!"

"Man, this fic was awesome, even though normally think Jack is a slutty jackass and wish he would go away!"

I'm not saying you need to change your opinions about anyone or not rant in your private journal or whatever, I'm just asking for a little prudence and care when commenting on someone else's story.

I'm just tired, guys. I'm tired of reading comments for my own fics that are littered with things like, "What a great story, even though Gwen is in it." Or, "I usually think Gwen's a bitch and I wish there was more Jack/Ianto in your story, but it was pretty good anyway." It's one thing to express gratitude for a new appreciation for a character, but it's another to drop insults and slurs while doing so. I want so badly for people to stop thinking of Gwen as a slut or a whore, and reading comments on my stories where people are dropping Gwen insults always hurts, even if they're trying to use them in a positive way. There isn't a positive way to call Gwen a slut, guys :\

Ugh, I'm totally preaching to the choir. You guys aren't the ones doing this. But I feel like I have to say something or just bang my head against the wall until I pass out.

(Also--I know that I'm not always awesome to Jack, but I like to think that in fic, when I include him, I portray him with some level of respect. I also know that I joke about how I don't like him quite a bit, but I hope that I don't do so in a way that is offensive. If I am offending you at any time, please let me know. And also remember that every day is defriending amnesty day here at pocky_slash.)

torchwood, gwen, fandom

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