some things about torchwood and also bad movies and also the harry potter closet

Sep 19, 2010 19:21

A couple Torchwood-y things:

1. tw_femficfest is accepting sign-ups until tomorrow and YOU SHOULD TOTALLY SIGN UP. Because the world needs more fic about the ladies of Torchwood. It's not just limited to Gwen and Tosh, dudes, you can pick any lady who's been on the show!
1a. If you haven't already seen it, the awesome kel_reiley did a Ladies of Who vid in honor of the fest and it is kind of amazing.

2. Apparently voting for the Children of Time awards is through this week? Or so my flist says. Anyway, self-pimping for awards feels kind of weird to me, but I would like to acknowledge that I'm super flattered that I was nominated for two. I know who one person is and I thanked her, but I am totes grateful for the other as well. You guys are pretty rockin in general and I mostly write this stuff because I'm totally self-indulgent and want to read crazy stories where Gwen and Ianto fight aliens and fix DVRs and make faces behind Jack's back and I know that they won't exist unless I write them. I'm continually and happily surprised that other people want to read these things too, so thanks in general for putting up with me for this long ♥

3. I forgot what else I had to say after I squinted at my spelling of "indulgent" for far too long. (FYI: I spelled it right the first time, I'm just crazy.)

4. Okay, we're sort of straying for Torchwood now, but I am totes obsessed with this song and it really fits, thematically, with a fic I've been playing with for a few months and pulled out of a drawer when someone on twgenrefinders requested it, but musically I don't know that it fits the mood.

5. I really need to write the cardigan_verse AU ficlets where Ianto gives Owen bessiemaemucho's kitten.

6. Yesterday, mcwonthelottery, metonymy, and I walked the Freedom Trail and saw this in the graveyard at King's Chapel. I have already written my own version of S4 in my head that deals with it XD



Guys, mcwonthelottery and I have decided to do one bad movie weekend a month. That will keep us in enough movies for me to blog about them every Tuesday and also we find watching bad movies while drinking to be super entertaining. So, rec me some bad movies. Think SciFi Saturday, so-bad-it's-hilarious fare. Here's the movies we've watched in the past for inspiration: Fatty!GDL Sherlock Holmes, Shark Attack 3, Frozen, Monster Ark, Stonehenge Apocolypse, and Spiral. We especially like shitty movies starring actors we already know and love so we can mock them while watching.



So, metonymy was here yesterday! We met up with her in Boston around noon to walk the Freedom Trail, which was hilarious. We all had Freedom Trail jobs. Becca's was to take pictures, mine was to read out loud from our official Freedom Trail History Book Thing, and Naomi's was to hold Gary for when we wanted to take photos of him. It was pretty hilarious. Next time we're gonna sell tickets and I'm going to wear a costume and we're going to drink heavily beforehand. It will be awesome.

We came back here and had dinner and then metonymy and mcwonthelottery went to a show and I stayed here and watched The Last Exorcism and drank some. I have many thoughts about The Last Exorcism, which was excellent. But I will talk about them in a seperate post. Here, I am going to talk about what came AFTER the movie.

Naomi and Becca came home and we made more headway on the gin. Becca played us some songs on the ukulele and the guitar and taught me how to play two chords on the ukulele. It was super exciting. I drank pretty steadily, but they weren't far behind and at some point, for some reason none of us can remember exactly, I decided that Benedict Cummerbund now lives in the Harry Potter closet.


Because Benedict is totes annoyed about being forced to live in the HPC (and sleep on a shelf) so he's surly and an asshole. The HPC needed some dissent to balance out all the cheerfulness, dudes! That Guy's sarcastic resignation wasn't really enough. April is all perky and Matt Smith is super cheerful and Eastin just cries all the time and That Guy keeps to himself. Benedict changes all that. He doesn't accept that Matt is Mayor of the Harry Potter closet. He constantly riles up Eastin, and he tries to get Bomer to defect. (Bomer won't--he's too nice.) He steals Matt's fez! He's disgruntled! (And April is obvs his arch-nemesis because even at his jerkiest, he can't overcome her unbridled optimism.)

We were pretty far gone last night and woke up vaguely hungover (but not too bad--we were all functional and out of the house within half an hour of waking), but there was unanimous agreement that this was clearly exactly what our lives had been missing.

Drunken Twitter quote dump
mcwonthelottery: "You're like a man / alone in outer space--" *SMASH!* "...our shower curtain just fell down."

pocky_slash: "I was fine until you said, 'Swallow' and then I just couldn't."
mcwonthelottery: "You don't hear that often, I know."

pocky_slash: "The more I drink, the more I'm gonna sing and the worse it's gonna get."
mcwonthelottery: "Awesome. Open up the wine."

metonymy: "Are you drinking wine out of your Buzz Lightyear mug?"
pocky_slash: "Yes."

metonymy: "Your [Becca's] mom runs a daycare."
pocky_slash: "Not on Fridays. On Fridays, she kills the kids and buries them in the backyard."

pocky_slash: "I fucking love Min's talk show, I'd watch it EVERYDAY, I can't wait til we're on it. ::shouts into kitchen:: WHY ARE WE ON MIN'S SHOW?"

metonymy: "It's late. We're drunk."
pocky_slash: "I think that's untrue."

mcwonthelottery: "Rhys Williams is dead."
metonymy: "And buried in Boston."
pocky_slash: "I know, I can't wait until I write that fic."

pocky_slash: "Jack is NOT in Gryffindor, don't you agree?"
mcwonthelottery: "Jack can't do magic. He isn't even allowed in Hogwarts."
pocky_slash: "That would be the best Harry Potter AU ever. Everyone is like, 'I can do magic!' and Jack is like, 'I have to learn math.'"
metonymy: "And then he fails at that too."


Day 03 - Your parents, in great detail

Oh man. I'm a day behind. Whatever. It doesn't say anywhere that the thirty days need to be consecutive.

My parents. Okay. Where to begin? I love my parents a lot, although I know I am pretty much ass at showing that to them. I'm trying to be better about it now that I'm away from home. They have always pretty much let me do my own thing within reason. They don't question my hobbies and they totally understand the "all my friends are on the internet" thing. They make fun of me, but we all make fun of each other. Making fun of each other is just how we are. They met and started dating in high school, but didn't get married for awhile. They're still married today (obvs) and it'll be... 28 years this October. (I just had to do math. Math is hard.)

My mom has three sisters who all live fairly close to each other. Right now, I'm the member of that family that lives the furthest away. I grew up spending a lot of time with my mom's sisters and their families (each of my aunts has two kids, but I'm the oldest by about eight years) (not counting Brendan) and especially with my mom's parents, as the house I grew up in was about eight houses down from my grandparents' house. My mom grew up in Newark and moved to Parsippany when she was in college. She works at a hospital on the Unit Management team. She's officially the teacher/trainer for the unit clerks, but when she doesn't have a class, she does the regular unit management type stuff. She's a big reader and was an even bigger reader when I was growing up. She can be kind of overbearing in her enthusiasm for things, but she genuinely means well. She's kind of weird and neurotic about a whole host of things that I can't even explain because it would take up pages and pages, but it's an endearing kind of neuroses. Most of the time.

My dad has a whole host of siblings, but we're not as close to that side of the family for many reasons. Mostly because we are the least crazy of all of them and that is really saying something, cause we're all pretty crazy. He was a career firefighter and retired... gosh, five or six years ago, now?, after making his way up through the ranks to Deputy Chief. He loves learning, which is something I always remember about him, even when he wasn't in school when I was growing up (but he was in school for various things for a large part of my childhood). I get most of my nerdiness from him (though my mom can be obsessive and nerdy too) and he raised us on X-Men comics and Star Wars movies. For the past few years, he's been a middle school science teacher and he LOVES it. It stresses him out and it keeps him constantly busy and it messes with his sleep schedule, but it makes him incredibly happy. He's also a crazy environmentalist. I joke about Al Gore being my dad's imaginary friend because he always chastises our energy waste by saying, "Al's watching!" He's the reason half our family drives Priuses and our house has solar panels and we're crazy recyclers. Next, he wants to build an electric car.

I don't get along with them 100% of the time, and most of you only hear the bad bits (or the hilarious bits) because I tend to use this journal to vent, but generally, I have a great relationship with my parents. I don't have much of a social life (um, obvs), so a lot of my time living at home was spent hanging out with them. We marathoned teevee together and went to concerts together (we all have basically the same taste in music) and saw shows and all sorts of things. I'm incredibly lucky to have parents who have always been 100% supportive of who I am and my hobbies and what I want to do. They never pressured me to go to a particular school or study a particular subject or pick up a particular hobby. They've always been content to let me make my own choices and follow my dreams and all that other bullshit. Even moving up here, so far away from them, was something they never questioned after I told them I wanted to do it. My mom did some fretting and some "It's so FAR!"ing and things like that, but she also made sure I had everything I needed.

Anyway, my parents. Yeah. I love them a lot.

Tune in tomorrow, when I detail just how bizarre my eating habits are.

Day 01 - Introduce yourself
Day 02 - Your first love, in great detail
Day 04 - What you ate today, in great detail
Day 05 - Your definition of love, in great detail
Day 06 - Your day, in great detail
Day 07 - Your best friend, in great detail
Day 08 - A moment, in great detail
Day 09 - Your beliefs, in great detail
Day 10 - What you wore today, in great detail
Day 11 - Your siblings, in great detail
Day 12 - What’s in your bag, in great detail
Day 13 - This week, in great detail
Day 14 - What you wore today, in great detail
Day 15 - Your dreams, in great detail
Day 16 - Your first kiss, in great detail
Day 17 - Your favorite memory, in great detail
Day 18 - Your favorite birthday, in great detail
Day 19 - Something you regret, in great detail
Day 20 - This month, in great detail
Day 21 - Another moment, in great detail
Day 22 - Something that upsets you, in great detail
Day 23 - Something that makes you feel better, in great detail
Day 24 - Something that makes you cry, in great detail
Day 25 - A first, in great detail
Day 26 - Your fears, in great detail
Day 27 - Your favorite place, in great detail
Day 28 - Something that you miss, in great detail
Day 29 - Your aspirations, in great detail
Day 30 - One last moment, in great detail

30 days of me, the harry potter closet, rec, friends, torchwood, quotes, cardigan central, bad movie weekend, awards

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