Matt Hires!

Sep 17, 2010 22:56

Tonight mcwonthelottery and I saw Matt Hires at the Middle East Upstairs. He was precious and awesome, as usual. The drunken girls standing next to the stage were not!

To back it up, Drew Holcomb and his wife (Elise?) of Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors opened for him. They were a very folk-y sort of band and I liked them well enough. The woman's voice reminded me of one of the women musicians my dad is really into, but I couldn't place who. Their whole sound was very much my dad's sort of thing and I'm going to e-mail him their website in a minute.

Anyway, after their set, Matt and his ridic skinny jeans and his band got on stage. It was a good show!

Pick Me Up
Rock'n'Roll Heart
O Sunrise
A Perfect Day
Out of the Dark
Listen to Me Now
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
You In the End
New Song (something about gambling? I'm just going to call it "Scrabble Song")
A to B
Honey Let Me Sing You A Song
State Lines

It was a pretty chill crowd, everyone just kind of hanging out until the drummer was like, "There's like a magical four foot barrier between these people and the edge of the stage!" and encouraged us all to move forward. And someone literally shoved us, so Becca and I had no choice but to abandon our pole and stand at the stage. Next to the Drunk Girls.

Now, I am a Drunk Girl magnet. The Drunk Girls at any given show somehow FIND ME and end up standing next to me and being drunk. And I don't mean your regular, run of the mill lowercase drunk girls. You know the ones I'm talking about. They are loud and obnoxious and disruptive and every other person at the concert is glaring daggers at them the entire time. The musicians kind of awkwardly ignore them because there's nothing else to do. And they always find me.

Anyway, these Drunk Girls apparently weren't even Matt Hires fans? And were right fucking next to us, in the very first row, up against the stage, close enough to touch the bassist's ratty chucks. All through the songs, they were talking loudly. The one kept shouting about how she only knew two of his songs. I wanted to stab things. And by things I mean "their faces."

I mean, I can understand wanting to go to a show and see your friends and talk to them. I can even understand the urge to get drunk. But why the fucking hell would you decide to stand right at the VERY FRONT of the crowd, especially when you don't even really know the musician and you're not going to be listening anyway? ARGH.

Um, anyway, that aside, it was a good show! I love Matt's stuff and it's hella catchy and he's absolutely precious. Becca felt old when she realized there were only a handful of people in the room who knew the song "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away" and also apparently had a thing for Matt's guitar. And the mandolin played by the girl in the opening band. I just smiled indulgently and nodded my head a lot.

We ended up walking home afterward because it was quicker than waiting forty-five minutes for a bus and now here we are! Becca broke out the guitar and has been alternately playing it and cursing the guitar, the chair, her computer, the people who put guitar chords on the internet, and My Chemical Romance. I have been typing this up. Now, perhaps, I will read some things or change into my pajamas. Tomorrow, we're doing the Freedom Trail and seeing Metonymy! Lots of excitement here, this weekend!

matt hires, cardigan central, music, set list

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