Sep 09, 2010 14:56

CON CRUD. WHAT EVEN. I just keep taking handfuls of pills, hoping something will help. I might have to walk down to Market Basket and buy less acidic soup. And milk. Need more milk.

You guys don't care about that. You care about SUNDAY AND MONDAY.



I'm sure you remember that we last left our intrepid con-goer stumbling into bed at three am. Good times. Anyway, thankfully the panel I wanted to go to was in the Sheraton at 10:00am, so I managed to wake up at nine thirty and still shower and get downstairs in time to get on line for TOM SERVO VS. TOM SERVO.

The line was incredibly deceiving. The way it was wrapped around, I thought the room would be full and I'd be in the crazy back, which I didn't mind, but when we filed in, I was on the end in the front row. Bill Corbett and Trace Beaulieu brushed past me as I took my seat and pretty much the panel was made before it even got started.

Last year they did Crow vs. Crow and it was very different. I mean, the format was the same, but given the relative tenures of each actor as Crow, the content was different. Trace was Crow for a long time before Bill took over. Josh was only Servo for KTMA and S1, after which Kevin remained Servo until the end of the show's run. I was curious as to what they'd have to talk about, but it ended up being pretty awesome. Lots of discussion of the early years and Servo's development. Kevin sang a little, and the best part was when he talked about how he got this letter from someone right after he started as Servo and it ended up being a six foot long banner printed on a dot matrix printer that just said "I HATE TOM SERVO'S NEW VOICE!!" He hung it in his office XD

The best part of the panel (and what might be my best con bit) was ridic and awesome and lame, but... yes. Kevin shouted something to Trace, who I assumed was in the back, being that he and Bill walked past me earlier. But no! Trace was right to my right. I looked over and sitting a mere three feet from me, across the aisle, were Mary Jo, Trace, Bill, and Frank. I wanted to die of nerdiness. Somehow I restrained myself, even though Mary Jo is SO PRETTY in person and they are MY IDOLS. After the panel, I just kind of stared at them in awe for a second, holding up the traffic. I had brought one of my MST3k cast photos to have everyone sign, but of course I left it back in the hotel room because I am an idiot. NEXT YEAR. FOR SERIOUS.

Floating on cloud nine, I went back to the hotel room and babbled at Jenny about how close I was to the whole cast and how funny the panel was. She very patiently humored me. Eventually, my lack of caffiene started to show and we decided to go to Waffle House for breakfast. Waffle House breakfasts are a tradition with krabapple, inocciduous and me. There is an SGA fic called 844,739 Ways to Eat a Hamburger, wherein Team Sheppard drives from Colorado to DC and stops at every Waffle House on the way. It is one of our favorites, and we always try to eat there when we're together. You should 100% read it if you haven't. I bet it's funny even if you don't know SGA, but it's 100% funnier when you do.

Anyway. Jenny and I went to Waffle House, which was the most underwhelming Waffle House experience I've ever had. Which is saying a lot, given you're starting with Waffle House to begin with. My waffle was cold, they never brought Jenny butter for hers, it took them an age to bring us coffee... but, I was exhausted, hungry, and severely caffeine deprived, so I honestly didn't care that much as I sucked everything up like a vacuum. Afterwards, we hit the bank to get some more monies and then I got a text from dremiel saying that she and a bunch of the TW crew were at lunch, did we want to join them? such_heights was there, and as she was looking to hook up with krabapple, we said sure and made our way back to con.

By the time we parked, found the restaurant, etc, everyone was mostly done eating. such_heights wanted to go to the Stargate panel and I was like, "I was thinking about that too!"

Cue me spending all of Sunday with such_heights, totes by accident. Kind of.

The Stargate panel was hilarious, as usual. Jason, Michael Shanks, Jewel, Martin Gero, some girl from SGU, and Lexa. Paul eventually showed up, too! There were so many shenanigans at the panel, most of which had to do with Michael's proposed stargate ass tattoo. Martin Gero reminded me why I used to love him so much by making a Shelbyville joke, announcing that his favorite episode is "McKay and Mrs. Miller," and generally being hilarious. Jason is still bitter about the rampant type-casting and his underuse on SGA, but he managed to be hilarious with Michael and Jewel. The poor girl from SGU did pretty well despite some general disgruntled-ness from the audience (and panelists) about SGU. There was a "Barrowman would do that for $50" moment that mcwonthelottery was tragically not present to share with me.

After the panel, Amy saw some people she knew and we all kind of headed over to the Walk of Fame, where I stared at Jason openly, then Morena and Summer and... well, lots of people. We talked to Rekha Sharma for a bit and then just... wandered around and talked. It was nice! I hadn't actually known such_heights even on the internet before this weekend, and I genuinely had a blast talking with her and just hanging out. I had to run to the Rifftrax Live panel, but I got her number because Jenny had invited her to dinner and she was not yet sick of me XD

The Rifftrax Live panel was my only tragedy of con D: They had DEEPLY underestimated the appeal and the room filled up completely by 5:15. There was a hugeass line of "standby" people, who were going to be allowed into the room one at a time if people left. I was near the front of this line, so the D*Con staff were nice enough to open the doors and let us at least listen to what was going on. I was super bummed that I didn't get in, but it was a nice gesture. Well, right up until the hotel staff came by and said we were a fire hazard and had to disperse. But still! I appreciated it!

I went back to the hotel to prepare for the SGA NC-17 panel. I had notes and shit. It was all very official-y. krabapple's girlfriend V was there, as well as dremiel, and we pretty much hung out talking about the programing we had seen and trying to decide where to go for dinner. dremiel was meeting up with the TW crew again, but Jenny, V, and I could not come to a decision for where we were going. Amy met us at our hotel and we walked around some, before essentially turning back and eating up the street from the hotel.

We were initially planning on going to the "Mad Man in a Box" Who S5 panel, but we were both afraid that it would ruin the happy-shiny-puking-rainbows-and-unicorns feelings that we have about S5. I was super excited to hear that I'm not the only one who loves it deeply-bordering-on-irrationally. We had our own panel right there in the restaurant, which was very exciting and filled with love explosions in our hearts.

After that, Jenny and V went back to the hotel and we bumped into the TW peeps on their way to about fifteen different destinations. It was there that I met count_to_seven for the first time, and she followed us to Dairy Queen and then we followed her to her room. At some point, we decided to go to the Time Traveller's and Pirate's Ball, a combination of it sounding cool and me needing to drink more to prepare for my panel. V (not krabapple's girlfriend, but count_to_seven) changed back into Girl!Ianto for the occasion. At first, this was going to be the retirement of the costume, but later on we pinky-sweared that we would do a mob of girl!Ianto's next year. Which is super easy, as girl!Ianto basically dresses in my work clothes.

But that was later! We went over to the Westin for the party, grabbing dremiel on the way and forcing her to come with us. It was good times! Lots of amazing costumes that we just kind of gaped at. While drinking. Eventually, we took a break so that I could get some shit done for my panel and poor Amy, who looked dead on her feet, could sit down. I bitched about how I was wearing pants and a random dude wrote a haiku for us. count_to_seven and I had a jumping up and down, high-pitched-noises moment of mutual Dar Williams love. And then I left to do my panel, dremiel left to go back to the room, and V and Amy stuck around to meet up with the rest of the TW peeps.

The Marriott was crazypants as I tried to navigate my way over for my panel. They were checking badges at the door and it felt like EVERYONE AT CON was packed inside. I barely managed to get upstairs and to my panel room, but I did, somehow! second_batgirl and barbed_whispers were already there to heckle me. Good times.

So, the story of me being on this panel is basically that I walked out of this panel last year. I mean, it goes deeper than that, but essentially, the awesome SG Track people stopped me and my crew to ask for our issues with the panel and suggestions to make it better. I sent an e-mail to theemdash about our ideas for future panels and somehow that twisted into me being a discussion leader somewhere along the line. One of the major problems with last year's panel was hecklers, so the round table discussion format was born to try and stop that.

We started the panel by introducing ourselves and the format. leiascully also showed up at this point! We then broke into small groups based on topic and I was at the "Smut Tropes and Cliches" table. And, of course, I got the creeper.

We all went around the table, introducing ourselves, and I could already tell there was something off about The Creeper. But it wasn't until we got to him that I was sure.

Creeper: I've been going to cons for over thirty years. Between Dragon*Con and Comic Con and NYCC, I've been to over 60 cons. I've been reading Penthouse and Playboy since before any of you were born, so I'm the most qualified to be here.
Everyone Else: ::awkward silence::
Kait: Um, well, this is a fanfiction panel. What are your fanfiction qualifications?
Creeper: Once I got Amanda Tapping to sign my Playboy.
Everyone else: ::even awkwarder silence.::

I tried my best to diffuse the situation by explaining that this was a panel about the art of writing fanfiction and the craft of writing, not so much about porn. I tried to make it all about him by saying that I thought he might be bored because it seemed he was confused as to what the panel was about, and I wanted to make sure he was in the right place. He elected to stay for the time being, but it didn't take him long to get bored and leave, after leaving us a super creepy note that said "SEX IS GOOD FOR STARGATES."

The rest of the discussion went all right. It lagged in places, and got awkward from time to time, but I think I did an okay job of moderating, and everyone was pleasant to me afterwards, even the people I didn't beg to crash the panel XD We went through a pretty long list of tropes and talked about what we liked about them. Recced some fics, etc. I think the make-up of the group made discussion a little more stilted than some of the other groups, but everyone was kind and respectful, so I can't fault it at all.

At one point, momebie crashed the panel as well, but as there were no more spaces left at my table, she ended up sitting with theemdash instead. It was then that Lisa told me about their dasterdly plot to pay a Jack Harkness cosplayer to come to the panel and I started the cycle of friendsbreakingup with them that lasted until I got home. Because then the topic became Jack's prehensile penis. And then, when I got back to my room a million hours later, KL informed me via Lisa via Twitter that she would fuck Jack. Then it became "Let's talk about Barrowman's penis specifically to wig Kait out" and it all ended in a spectacular friendsbreakingup and me going to bed.

OH. But first, I got an e-mail from Foxy saying there was TW breakfast at 9am, did I want to come? And I said, "YES OF COURSE." Even though it was after three and I still wasn't in bed. I ended up sitting up and reading the internet for a bit before taking an entire valium and going to sleep.

Because, okay, here's the thing--I hadn't taken more than a half valium the entire time I was at con because I was afraid of valium hangovers, but my shoulder was aching by that point and I knew pain killers wouldn't cut it. I realize, in retrospect, this was a BAD DECISION. It was a much worse decision in the morning.



And it was HELLA hard to get up, let me tell you. dremiel was already gone, I felt like I had been hit by a bus and then covered in cotton wool, and 9am was a cruel mistress. I somehow dressed and stumbled over to the Marriott, where amand_r, 51stCenturyFox, and rm were waiting to be seated. Everyone looked just as awake as I was, which was good, at least. neifile7 eventually joined us, and we sat down to eat foods.

It was a nice, mostly subdued breakfast. I think we mostly talked about writing. And breakfast-for-dinner. Or something. idek. BUT IT WAS NICE. The best part of con is always the hanging out with people bits, and it was nice to do that hanging out somewhere quiet for once. I am NOT a social person, and while I loved getting to meet and talk to everyone, doing it in an environment where I am surrounded by other people and have to shout to be heard eventually wears on me. So a quiet breakfast where we bitched about public transit and talked about how many veneral diseases Owen has was perfect.

After fooding, rm had to jet to a panel and neifile7 needed to check out of her hotel, so I tagged along after Foxy and Mandr to the exhibitor halls, where I bought some more presents for people and spent my last twenty bucks. Eventually, we parted ways and I went back to the Sheraton to see Jenny and check out. There was sadness, especially since I didn't get to see all that much of Jenny thanks to her not actually being at con, but we made tentative plans to have our OWN con with inocciduous sometime in the near future.

I went down to the lobby and saw KL and Lisa one last time. There was hugging and promises of visits and rules about the Harry Potter closet (Barrowman's not allowed inside, okay? Matt Smith says.). Oh, there was also this epic quest to get rid of 2/3s of a bottle of gin. Jenny didn't want it, KL and Lisa didn't want it, Mary and Erin couldn't take it, and finally I got V's phone number from KL and met up with her to get rid of it. I was really afraid I'd have to abandon it. I feel better knowing it had a good home.

So! I said good bye to V and KL and Lisa and then wandered over to the Food Court, where Mary and Erin and their friends were having lunch. I was still full from breakfast, but it was nice to sit and talk and listen and such. I ended up traveling to the airport with the two of them and one of their friends, and had a nice (if frustrating) conversation with Erin about ladies in fandom and unpopular fannish opinions. I HAVE to get myself out to visit them at some point. Once I have some monies, hopefully.

So, yeah! I got to the airport, got some food, and then realized my flight was boarding. I walked by a dude in a fez sitting next to a steampunk girl and uttered the obligatory "fezes are cool!" without even thinking about it. I was stuck in a middle seat again, but the guy next to me had also been to con and we ended up talking for a bit (and thoroughly freaking out the girl on my other side, who definitely started looking at my strangely when I mentioned being on the NC-17 SG fanfic panel) before I passed the fuck out. Getting home via public transit took a zillion hours, but, oh man, so worth it to sit in my living room, where I proceeded to relive con fro mcwonthelottery.


SO THAT WAS IT. If you read this whole thing, I salute you. But I can't offer you anything other than the salute, because I'm totally wiped thanks to con crud. IT WILL NEVER GO AWAY D: This shit isn't even spell checked and probably won't ever be.

But like I said in my first post-con entry, this was the best con ever and I had a REALLY AWESOME TIME meeting all your awesome faces. Thanks to everyone who hung out with me, even if it was only for a few minutes, for making it a great con, and hopefully I'll see at least some of you dudes again next year ♥ ♥ ♥

I'm not letting anyone talk me into Gally yet, but as long as I have a job to reserve a hotel in October, I'll see you dudes back at D*Con next year, where I plan on checking a bag so that I can bring my dalek costume. Who needs to sit down, really?

Now I am going to take a shower. And maybe force myself to go outside.

torchwood, dragoncon 10, the utahraptor to my trex, rifftrax, sga, mst3k, friends

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