just a few more days...

Aug 10, 2010 22:36

Yesterday I met up with saidlian_nataly for dinner. It was sad and also awesome, as usual. We were both exhausted and spent a lot of time complaining about how tired and hot we were, so it was pretty much like every other time we've ever hung out. Fitting XD

We had dinner at the Peanut Butter place and walked all over lower Manhattan until we had blisters (also par for the course) and then got cupcakes at Sugar Sweet Sunshine. MY LAST NYC CUPCAKE FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE D: D: D:

I also ate half of Caitlin's cupcake. SHE PEER-PRESSURED ME. She was going to throw it out otherwise. I couldn't let it go to waste. IT WAS A BAD LIFE CHOICE. But so delicious.

We also talked about the Boat Party. Our latest Boat Party theory might involve an actual boat!

We said goodbye on the subway. It was tragic. I will miss Caitlin :( NO MORE K/CAITLI/YN ADVENTURES. At least, no more FREQUENT K/Caitli/yn Adventures.


I got home last night and stayed up all night reading Sherlock fic. It was not a great life choice, because most of it is shit, guys. Life is so hard. I've found a few gems, but no one has written the Fic of My Heart yet. TRAGIC.

Anyway, that was ALSO a poor life choice because I was getting up earlyish to meet _morning_glow for lunch/dinosaurs. Which meant I spent the morning being tired in addition to being seriously anxious and on edge. But it was fine, as it turns out! It started off a little awkward, but we had a good day of looking at dinosaurs, updating each other on our lives, and making faces of disbelief at each other as a mother let her daughter throw a 10+ minute long temper tantrum in the bathroom. I'm really glad we decided to hang out, for various reasons I won't go into here, but it was a good day. It even ended up with her seeing Next to Normal in lotto seats, so there you go!

(It was also Gary's first day out since his traumatic injury and emergency glue surgery. There are some pics on Twitpic.)


I came home and watched White Collar!

Um, it was okay? There were a couple parts where I was hands-ing, but generally nothing super special. The bit at the beginning where Peter was ordering Neal to work with Sara was AMAZING and there were a couple other parts where Peter and Neal were so married I was hands-ing, but generally it was rather humdrum. I love the idea of Mozzie hanging out drinking Neal's wine, though XD

Also, this was the first time that I noticed just how green-screened Elizabeth's scenes are. I mean, I knew, intellectually, that they were green-screened because Tiffani was in LA and super pregnant, but this was the first time I actually noticed. I'll be so happy when we get Elizabeth back full time ♥

(Although, this totally makes me want to write fic where Elizabeth is out of town on these things and Peter and Neal and Satchmo are mopey around the house without her. I'm sure fifty million people have already done this, but the idea makes me grin.


solsticezero gently informed me that the story I wrote last night isn't actually a story, but rather half a story. So I'm going to go try and write the other half and then maybe look for some more Sherlock fic before crashing for the night. Sherlock really had perfect timing. I needed something shiny that makes my heart hurt to distract me from the sadness in TW fandom and it is doing a very good job. JOHN WATSON ILU.

writing: is hard, caitlin needs a tag too, sherlock, boat party, batshit insanity, friends

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