okay, steven moffat, YOU WIN.

Aug 08, 2010 21:21







Okay, so, clearly last week was a dud and not at all representative of what these dudes can do. This episode may have been better than the first, it really may have, because... wow.

I don't really have any coherent thought, that ending was so good. I had a feeling that Jim was going to be involved, but I figured he'd be a hostage or killed or something. I DID NOT THINK HE WOULD BE MORIARTY, GUYS. I TRULY DID NOT.

And. Wow. As I was watching, I think I had thoughts, but I can't remember what they were, now. I loved Mycroft and how petulant Sherlock gets around him. I continue to love how Sherlock is an ass. I've been reading a lot of fic, most of it bad, and something that people seem to get wrong about him is that he doesn't understand social niceties. Guys, he totally understands them. He has even used them on occasion to make a point or get something. He's not without social skills, he just doesn't care to use them. And this was perfect oh man.

And, okay, guys, let's put on our tinhats for a second.

Is your tinhat on? Good. Mine rarely comes off, but I know some people don't like to be seen with them in public.

Anyway, in tinhatty news, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I LOVE THEM. IIIIIII LOOOOOOOOOOVE THEEEEEEEEM. I love that Sherlock was so shocked and upset to see John all tied up in explosives, I love that he fucking LOST IT at the end and ripped the vest off of John with the most emotion we've seen from him so far in the series. I love that, when Moriarty was talking about burning out Sherlock's heart, I was just waiting for them to pan to John because THAT'S HIS HEART. That's what the explosion of emotion is showing, guys. THIS IS WHAT HE CARES ABOUT. JOHN.

omg. Tinhat is securely fastened, guys.

Um, in other, non-tinhatty news, can I just say I love how this show is shot? I love the blurry location shots, I love the use of numbers and text and overlapping. I love the composition of some of the frames. I really loved the scene where they fought the Golem, though I was screaming "SHOOT HIM, SHOOT HIM YOU IDIOTS!" the entire time.

I continue to love Lestrade. I love that he had enough faith to let Sherlock do his thing, but also put on the pressure that he needed to be kept in the loop.

Backtracking entirely, I fucking loved the opening and John and Sherlock fighting and Sherlock throwing a hissy fit in his robe and the explosion and John's FACE the next morning when he realized what had happened. UGH. LOVE. JOHN WATSON. LOVE HIM. EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM. HIS FACE. OMG. LOVE. KNITTING THINGS. JUST FOR HIM. HE NEEDS SOME SCARVES TO MATCH SHERLOCK AND LESTRADE.

I don't think I have any coherent thoughts. I really feel like the middle episode was filler and this clinched it. The first episode tied right in, but the second one was kind of inconsequential and it felt it while I was watching. Hopefully next series (has that been officially confirmed yet?) will fix that problem.

But. Oh Christ. That was awesome.

john watson has my heart, sherlock

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