Keep your fingers crossed for me and
mcwonthelottery, okay guys? Becca looked at a place today and it looks pretty good. Thank god.
In other news, I took that "which companion are you?" quiz a while ago and got Donna. But then Firefox crashed and when I just took it again now so I could close the tab, I got Sarah Jane instead? I thought I answered all the questions just about the same way, but Donna and Sarah Jane DO have some similar qualities, so it's possible that one different answer was enough to tip it over into SJS territory. So here's that result:
Sarah Jane Smith
Take Which Doctor Who companion are you? (girls) today!Created with
Rum and Monkey's
Personality Test Generator.
You're Sarah Jane Smith!
The intrepid girl reporter, you invented spunky. You never rest in your relentless pursuit of what The People (and you) Want to Know, and have a profound sense of justice. You are cheerfully incapable of following orders, and have a very individualistic sense of style--much like the Doctor himself. It's no wonder you two get on so well, even if his absentmindedness makes him a bit of a handful sometimes.
I had all these ~*plans*~ for today and all I really did was laundry and write a blog post and watch Sherlock Holmes. I also drove across town to get chicken quesadillas because I really wanted some and we had no chicken. But that's pretty much it. I mean, Becca looked at an apartment, so it's kind of like I accomplished something by proxy? But not really. I only applied to two jobs because my attention span wavered from the task of writing cover letters. I'm really tired and kind of want a nap, so maybe I'll do that and write another bunch after? Who knows.
I do have to go flip my laundry, though. And plan an outfit that I can wear in the car for an hour and forty minutes without sweating to death. Actually, I need to plan two of them because also I am driving to Boston on Friday. ON FRIDAY. That's like, two days from now. WOW.