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axolotl_lan May 11 2010, 22:58:15 UTC
Is it bad I saw your badfic list and thought I could almost picture a fic with all of the above checked off- that or multiple badfics merged in my mind as a lump sum.

Also poor poor poor Owen there is not enough good Owen fic out there, and like the badfic checklist Owen fics somehow become about Ianto... or he rebels all of the Ianto attention and has sex with a fifteen year old to prove he can be dramatic and get everyone's attention too- of course in the same fic it will turn out that fifteen year old is Ianto's illegitimate daughter had from a rape in his teens... by aliens. He forgot though because in his super spy years at Torchwood one they erased his memory.

:hugs Gwen who also needs more love:

P.s. Does BDSM Tosh with Andy exist? I'm not -asking- or anything except I am if it does. because wtf. So not Tosh.

Mmm could we have creepy brain damage Ianto fic in there.

John Hart is suddenly a swell guy

John Hart is clearly Spike from Buffy

Oh Yeah Owen was a Doctor fics--> followed by no he is not a timelord bad writer.

Oh, Ianto as a Timelord, by god everyone with a fobwatch is suspect in fic.

(p.s. nice haircut!~ ^_^ )


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