May 11, 2010 15:52

First off, haircut.

Shitty picture of my hair about a week ago.

Shitty picture of my hair now.

We'll see how it looks tomorrow. My hair is hella frizzy/curly, so it will never be this straight again.



I have the following:
  • Ianto cuts himself.
  • Ianto is super unappreciated and abused by the team
  • Ianto is abused by an ex/current boyfriend other than Jack
  • Ianto is abused by his parents/family
  • Ianto is kidnapped
  • Ianto is raped
  • Original characters in tough situations bond with/become protective of Ianto
  • Ianto is neglected by Jack
  • Ianto has an eating disorder
  • Ianto was secretly a super smart, super qualified field agent with Torchwood One
  • Ianto cries. Like, a lot.*
  • Ianto becomes immortal
  • Yan
  • "part-time shag"
  • Ianto is in a coma

  • Jack is neglected by the team
  • Jack is verbally abused/ignored by the Doctor
  • Jack is used as bait and gets emo about it
  • Jack thinks/realizes he's a terrible boyfriend and gets emo about it
  • Jack thinks/realizes he's a terrible leader and gets emo about it
  • Jack proposes to Ianto
  • Jack declares he will never in his whole immortal life ever ever ever love anyone as much as he loves Ianto
  • Jack makes shittier managerial decisions than usual (ie: "Let's lock Ianto and his accused rapist in a room together and see who's telling the truth!")

  • Owen is overly cruel to Ianto
  • Owen is jealous of Jack and Ianto because he wants one/both of them
  • Owen is Ianto's BFF who gives him relationship advice/is rabidly overprotective of him (to an extreme degree)
  • Owen refuses to believe Jack and Ianto's relationship is anything more than sex
  • Owen fucks a fifteen year old

  • Gwen is completely useless/doesn't do her job
  • Gwen is randomly homophobic
  • Gwen doesn't actually love Rhys and is only using him for emotional security
  • Gwen becomes jealous/enraged by Jack's relationship with Ianto
  • Gwen is described as wearing something slutty she would never wear on the actual show
  • Gwen treats the rest of the team with scorn
  • Gwen treats Ianto poorly

  • Tosh only appears to do weird, background, fake!science stuff and has zero characterization
  • Tosh is Ianto's secret BFest of BFFs with whom he shares all he secret longing for Jack (again, to an extreme degree)
  • Tosh is in a weird S&M relationship with PC Andy

* Out of everyone on the show, I think it's actually possible that Ianto cries the least? But he spends all of "Cyberwoman" crying, so I think people forget that.

C'mon, guys. What else is there? I know I'm missing things.

badfic bingo, torchwood, hair

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