I am so tired. So so so tired. And I have jury duty in the morning. So I should be in bed.
solsticezero and I went to a Will Grayson, Will Grayson signing.
And I spoke to David Levithan.
Like, with words and everything.
It was kind of hilarious, because I am 90% sure that I was the only person in the room just for David. Everyone else was definitely there for John. Which was fine! But made me feel a little hilariously awkward, like everyone else was in on a joke that I was clueless about.
Mostly I didn't have time to concentrate on that, because I was so nervous.
David Levithan is kind of my idol. I want to be him when I grow up. I love his books. I love his stories. And I have been trying to compose a fan letter for him since I first read one of his books in mid-2007.
Despite being terrified, I apparently managed to say words to him. I am not entirely sure what they were, but
solsticezero informs me that they were good, thoughtful words, and that he seemed to appreciate them.
Then, hilariously, I awkwardly turned to John Green after gushing to David for about two minutes and said, "Oh, you're cool too."
And walked away.
To have an awkward bathroom conversation with Maureen Johnson.
It was a weird night.
But I am kind of gleeful.
If exhausted.