the theme of this entry is, "my friends are assholes."

Apr 11, 2010 20:48

FANGIRL TEA PARTY! has come and gone, but it was a frigging wild ride, guys.

After a ridiculous day at work, I went home on Friday and soon had in my possession an inoccidous! It was v. exciting, as I hadn't seen Jenna in MONTHS. She went with me to pick my parents up from the airport (which is an entire ranting LJ entry in and of itself) and when we got back home, we made a shopping list in Ianto's diary and then picked quatredeathlady up from her mom's so we could go food shopping.

Food shopping was relatively painless! We taught Nicole how to tell when melons are ripe, and then went on a crazy search all around the store for marscapone cheese, which ended up being in the first place we looked. Literally. It just took us about eight times of looking there to find it.

Back home, I did laundry and cleaned while we talked and bonded and it was lovely! Eventually, we went to sleep in order to wake up early the next day and start the preparations that we had to curtail in order to retrieve my parents from the airport. We were a little nervous at first. It was not very warm out. I was kind of afraid that we'd have to have the party inside, but the sun did eventually warm everything up.

We cleaned the lawn furniture, made sandwiches, made red velvet cupcakes, had an emergency trip to Party City and PathMark, took showers, made fruit salad, and generally started going crazy when four things happened within fifteen minutes of each other:

1) The guy who was doing an estimate on fixing our basement showed up.
2) My parents came home to deal with that guy.
3) paper_tzipporah, mcwonthelottery, and neurotictealeaf all showed up.
4) We discovered we had no powdered sugar.

Now, I TOLD Rachael to arrive around one pm because she was bringing tea pots and scones and shit. Those other losers just APPEARED. TO RUIN MY PLANS.

I made Becca go out and set up the furniture with Nicole and left the others in order to buy powdered sugar. Things are a little hazy for me at that point. harmonyangel, brilligspoons and saidlian_nataly arrived at some point. And I finished(ish) making food and setting the table. And somehow, we all got outside.

And, okay, here is the thing: MY FRIENDS ARE ALL ASSHOLES.

And here is the other thing: There is this picture of John Barrowman that I really don't like. It gives me nightmares. It is this one, and because Becca is a jerk, she likes to expose me to it as frequently as possible.

pocky_slash: D:
mcwonthelottery: you are the idiot who clicked something i said would give you nightmares.
guess what, kait? put your hand on a hot burner and it'll get burned. but you might want to check that for yourself.
pocky_slash: I am going to flush the toilet when you are in the shower SO MANY TIMES.
mcwonthelottery: I am going to paste that picture of Barrowman in the shower before you use it.
and in your bedroom while you're in the shower.
and inside the fridge
and inside your sunglasses
and under your pillow
and get it screenprinted ON a pillow
and leave it in your bed.
pocky_slash: It will be your fault when I am a dirty, smelly insomniac with anorexia and melonoma, weeping into the carpet and trying to gouge my eyes out with a fork.
mcwonthelottery: wait, that picture makes you become badfic!Ianto?
pocky_slash: Which is ironic, considering bad!fic!Ianto would probably stop doing all of those things to build a shrine around that picture.
mcwonthelottery: it's true. i'm confused.
don't show that picture to the iantobot.
he might explode.
pocky_slash: I won't. Ianto!bot is mine. Barrowman's penis is going nowhere near him.
mcwonthelottery: Barrowman is tricky though
He's hiding in your bushes right now
You don't understand what he's capable of
mcwonthelottery: she was similarly traumatized by the picture of barrowman.
i hope criminal minds taught you how to fight off the serial killers
not just how to be burnt alive in your home
pocky_slash: Hopefully I've picked up a thing or two.
Besides the meaning of the word "unsub" which took me like, three weeks.
mcwonthelottery: hahahahaha
pocky_slash: I ended up googling it and then, I shit you not, in the next episode I saw someone was like, "What's 'unsub' mean?" and the nerd explained it to them.
mcwonthelottery: hahaa
i'm starting a list of all the unsuspecting places i can put that picture you know
now i can just search that in gmail
and get this conversation
i'm all set.
pocky_slash: I would friends break up with you
mcwonthelottery: you threaten that four times a day
pocky_slash: if I wasn't super looking forward to quitting my job
mcwonthelottery: hahahhahah
pocky_slash: and if I had other friends who would let me talk about cardigan verse all the time.
mcwonthelottery: hahahhaahhahahah

ANYWAY. At one point during the conversation at lunch, that picture and my aversion to it came up. Then Becca texted it to me, because she is a jerk. Then I had to go pick up priscellie from the bus and left my phone on the table, because I am an IDIOT.

When I came back, I went to check the time and did what can only be described as a full body flail of revulsion upon my discovery that someone had changed my "watch out for giant robots!" chalk drawing phone background to that fucking picture. omfg. And then it became a thing, where people just texted me the picture all night. Also, Joni kept sending me texts "from" Barrowman. It was awful. Life is hard, guys, when your friends are all jerks.

But at least they had something to bond over--making fun of me :P

But! Lunch was awesome! There was a ridiculous amount of food. There's STILL a ridiculous amount of food. Three different sandwiches, five different teas, three different scones, fruit salad, fruit tarts, cupcakes, pie, and I'm probably forgetting things. I think Becca took pictures of the food, which I might have to steal. I took zero pictures. #lamehostess

After the eating was over with, we returned to the house and started the writing down of shows. FANGIRL [blank] PARTIES! work as follows: After the meal, everyone writes down as many episodes of shows as they want on separate slips of paper. We put them into a hat, draw them at random, and watch what we draw.

I'm not sure if I remember everything, but here is a rough-ish list:
"Turn Left" (Doctor Who)
"Safe" (Firefly)
"Celestial Navigation" (The West Wing)
"The Sword of Destiny" (Arrested Development)
"Hawk and a Handsaw" (due South)
"I was a Teenaged Spy" (Boy Meets World)
"Countrycide" (Torchwood)
"Eye of the Gorgon" (Sarah Jane Adventures)

That may have been it? Am I forgetting anything?

Anyway, someone put "Barrowman with a hose" into the basket like, five times. Because, say it with me now, my friends are assholes.

We eventually went to sleep and then this morning everyone went home. LAME. But I would count the party as a success!

Out of Context Quote Theater!

"But dad, I just want to sing!"
"Turn right, Simon! Turn right!"

"It would be better if you put Ianto crying face on the front. It tells a story!"

"For people who don't know anything about West Wing, what do we need to know?"
"There is everything wrong with you!"

"They sold me out about the nipples!"

"You have to see by the light of John Barrowman's nipples!"

caitlin needs a tag too, nicole, friends, quotes, nj!jen, fangirl tea party!, why don't i spend more time with becca?, jen is awesome!, rachael

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