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krabapple February 7 2010, 02:18:20 UTC

Seriously. SERIOUSLY. I think we got too much of Gale in Catching Fire, anyway. That might be mean, but whatever. Yes, he got beaten. Boo. Hoo. Again, mean, but stop using hurt/comfort as some sort of Gale/Katniss plot device. I DO NOT GET THE TWO OF THEM. I mean, okay, he was her best friend, and they survived together and helped each other out. But they should remain only friends because they are too much alike. TOO ALIKE. They would be mayhem together! One big fight all the time!

Also, also. ALSO. Peeta has loved her since he was a kid! Forever! He gave her bread when she was hungry even though he knew he'd get beaten over it! And that was BEFORE the Hunger Games! GOD, PEETA. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.

I also think Katniss needs to stop being as dumb as a sack of doorknobs about at least ten million things, but that's just me.

I am so jealous about Kate Hewlett! SO JEALOUS. I remember the art gallery at Shore Leave! And how Jenna seriously thought she was going to have to break apart a fight between us over Kate.

Did I mention I am jealous? JEALOUS.


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