things i want from fandom

Jan 14, 2010 21:00

Sometimes, there are things I really, really want from fandom.

Today, this is what I want:

I want a long, plotty, action-y AU story where Jack, Ianto, and Gwen have gone rogue. Maybe something similar to CoE happened and they've been dumped by the government and they're on the run. Maybe there's someone's after them and they need to be undercover. I don't care about the details, I just want the three of them still fighting alien crime, but with added subterfuge and ingenuity. Like those awesome scenes in CoE where the four of them had to steal themselves supplies, I want them being sneaky and thoughtful and crafty. I want Ianto to make use of being a lying liar who lies and Jack to fall back into his old conman habits. I want them to put together a mystery without the infinite resources (and deus ex machina) of the Hub and the archives.

I mean, essentially I want a detective AU, but in pre-CoE canon.

Because, what really appeals to me with the trio team as opposed to the original team is this ridiculous loyalty. I read a lot of fic (and I'm guilty of doing it myself in "Not Today") that makes mention of Torchwood being all that Ianto and/or Jack have. It paints this deep loyalty that they have to Torchwood as a whole, and while I don't think that incorrect, I also think that it's not entirely my interpretation. All three of them are fiercely loyal, yes, but I think that loyalty, especially post-S2, is more to each other than anything else. I think that, given a choice between each other and the organization, they would choose each other every time. Part of it, yes, is their desire to do good, but it's also a bond between the three of them.

Anyway, I want this story to exist more than any other story that I currently want to exist (except, maybe, Club Wales, which will not write itself, dammit, no matter how much I yell at it). Tragically, I don't have the time or plotting abilities to do it myself, so unless someone is like, "omgyesiwillwritethatwithyou!" I think it is one of those things that will exist only in my head. TRAGIC.



Here he is looking at pictures of bessiemaemucho's kitten! Awwwwww! Duarte is too cute to exterminate!


There was a third fannish thing that I wanted to post about. I can't remember what it was. I wanted to make a note about it while I was at work, but I forgot.

torchwood, gary the dalek, fic i'm totally not writing

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