help_haiti, car news, real life news (fandom post later?)

Jan 14, 2010 17:54

I am posting twice today. Once now, and once when I get back from dinner. DEAL WITH IT.


So, I did end up throwing my hat into the ring for help_haiti. I am kind of nervous, because I do not think anyone will bid on me, and that would be embarrassing.

I am ofering two things! One of them is fic and one of them is crafty.

The fic offer:
1 Torchwood or West Wing fic of 1000 words (at least)

I'll write any rating, but I'm better with plot than I am with smut. In Torchwood, I'm strongest with Gwen and Ianto. In The West Wing I'm strongest with any combination of Sam, Will, Josh, and Donna. Other than that, I'm am open to anything except incest, dubcon, and non-con. You can be as detailed with your request as you'd like.

The crafty thing:
One custom, decoupaged cookie/storage jar. It will be decorated to your specifications, either with a theme from a fandom or just with, you know, whatever you want.

It will be a glass jar, 1.5 quart volume (at least). Decoupaging and decorating will be done by me. You can supply pictures or patterns if you'd like, or you could just give me a theme/fandom and I'll make something up. I may not be able to create/ship by February 14, but it will be on its way by February 20th. If bidding goes over $25, I will also fill the jar with foodstuffs.

So, anyway, check that out and check out what other people are offering.


I came home from work today, totally excited about the direction I was going to force my life to take, only to be told by my mom to sit down for a family meeting. THIS IS NEVER GOOD NEWS, GUYS.

The insurance company got back to us about my car. It is pretty much totaled. I mean, they could fix it, but it would cost way, way more than I can afford, an amount that is kind of silly for a 10 year old car with over 100,000 miles on it.

So, right now, I am car shopping. Um, not what I thought I'd be doing. Especially because, the thing I was so excited about when I was on my way home was the decision to make strides towards moving out of the house this year.

My co-worker Lauren and I have been talking about this on and off for the past few months, but we sat down and did the math and it does seem like it might be feasible. If we found a relatively cheap two bedroom place in the area (it would probably be a dump because we live in one of the top five richest counties in the country), we could probably swing it.

Of course, that was before I found out about the car. So... I might need to revisit this. :\


Anyway. When I get home from dinner, there will be fannish rambling and photos of Gary doing things, like looking at bessiemaemucho's kitten.

car w0es, rl

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