the return of writing chat!

Jan 01, 2010 17:35

SO. In years past, I have hosted a sort of writing exercise here on my journal about once a month. When I first started, I referred to it as "a writing chat thingy" and the name stuck.

Essentially, the participants meet in a chat room (we've used AIM in the past, but if anyone has other ideas, I'm all ears), I throw out a prompt, and set a timer for 15 minutes. The participants then have fifteen minutes to respond to the prompt in the comments of a particular LJ post.

It generally lasts a couple of hours, but people can come and go as they wish. There's no obligation to play every round or to play at all, even, if none of the prompts are particularly inspiring. In between prompts, there's some socializing and chatting and stuff, as well.

It was a lot of fun, but near the end, it sort of spiraled out of my control. Some people started using the chats to socialize instead of write and it was distracting to others. Other people began to... well, badger me about it. It started to get annoying, so I stopped.

Still, we DID have fun and a few people have been asking about starting them up again, so I thought I'd try again.

If you're reading this, you're under no obligation to play, you're just new to my flist since the last time and I thought I'd gauge your interest. If you'd like to take a look at what a typical chat post looked like, here is one at random, and you can wade through the writing: chats tag.

SO! Fill out the poll! We'll see what happens!

Poll the return of writing chat thingy!

poll, writing: chats

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