katy and torchwood and meme and all manner of things

Nov 22, 2009 02:07

So! I have been too busy to meme for the past couple of days! Sorry! My mother acquired some cough medicine with codeine which has been allowing me to sleep at night, if nothing else. I think the coughing is getting better, too.

Last night, I kidnapped neurotictealeaf and dragged her along to see Katy at BAM Cafe. priscellie was there with her friends to celebrate her birthday and quatredeathlady and her friend Nick met us there.

It was a wonderful show with wonderful company. The space was beautiful--I've seen a handful of shows at BAM and been to Rose Cinema a few times and never realized there was this gorgeous live music venue on top of it all. The drinks were a little overpriced, but the food was actually reasonable. Or, well, the french fries were, at least. $6 for a truly obscene amount of french fries. Oh man, guys. (Not that the four of us didn't demolish them.)

It was nice to see Nick again--he's hilarious and very fun to be around. Wonderful, as always, to see Rachael, too. I wish that school didn't eat her life so often, because she is one of those people that I geekily want to spend time with constantly. Priscilla showed us the print version of her awesome map for the Codex Alera series.

And, you know, I guess Nicole doesn't suck.

Anyway! Katy was wonderful. She played songs from the new album and a couple of "new"songs. (I say "new," because the problem with going to every gig ever is that I've heard like... every song the first time it's played. So when she says, "Here's a new song!" I get all excited and then, you know, it's not actually new to me XD) One of the songs WAS new, though, and she wrote it in a dream and it is AWESOME and I'm so jealous that she can write songs in her sleep.

It's weird, though. Katy's changing her stage name from "Katy Pfaffl" (also her real name) to "Mighty Kate." And... I mean, it totes makes sense, seeing as how I have never met someone who didn't freak out a little trying to pronounce it, but I have been following Katy for something like... eight years. And change is weird! But I'm excited for the new album and the rebranding and everything else.

(And, dudes, you should all follow her on Twitter! @mightykatemusic! She's fabulous :D)


Watching SJA again. I just watched the entire series last week, but I just felt like watching it again. I remember telling WorkBFF in epic detail about how it was my favorite Who spin-off when I first watched S1, but when I couldn't find S2 online, I kind of forgot about it, and now that DW has broken my heart so badly (I am really hoping Moffat can piece it back together) it is my favorite Whoniverse show full stop. GUYS I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH. SO MUCH!!! I JUST USED THREE EXCLAMATION POINTS, THAT'S HOW MUCH I LOVE IT.

Um, really, that's all I wanted to say about that. Sarah Jane fills me with love. So do Luke and Clyde and Maria and Rani.

But I can't really bash TW that much, because as epically FAIL as it so often is, I have managed to do the one thing that deals a show's fate with me--I've managed to fall incredibly hard for the characters since July. If you had told me that a year and a half ago, I never would have believed you, but... gosh. My affection for Ianto is unrivaled at the moment, and my affection for Gwen (Gwen!) is close behind it. I don't know what is wrong with my brain.

(Relatedly! I watched Rosemary's Baby in preparation for writing reel_torchwood and I now know exactly what I am doing. I just need to find time to write it.)



I am three days behind, so I am doing two today and two tomorrow. I'm crafty like that.

Day 4 - Your favorite book(s)

GUYS THESE ARE ALL SO HARD! I'll be glad when favorites week is over.

Let's talk about The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and how it is the best book ever.

Guys. It is the best book EVER.

I don't even know what to say about it. Honestly! I first heard about it on the Jonny Quest mailing list I joined in fifth grade. I was one of the younger MLers and most of the rest of the list had already read the book and they joked it about it on occassion. Wanting to be, you know, cool and in on the joke, I made my parents get the audio book, which we listened to on vacation. I was hooked. I bought the book itself at my sixth or seventh grade book fair and read it overnight. I still have that copy. I re-read it at least once a year, usually around Towel Day.

This is probably the novel that I've read the most. I'm surprised it's still in one piece. I've highlighted it to death, I've been known to quote it at random in conversation, and it's basically my bible. (For that reason, despite my affection for Eoin Colfer's other works, I will never read his Hitchhiker's installment.) I've read the other books in the series, and while I enjoy them all, none of them hold my heart the way the first one does. (I really like The Restaurant at the End of the Universe and Mostly Harmless, but I could take or leave the other two.)

I just... I can't even articulate it, obviously, this love I have for the series in all its incarnations. I love the radio plays, I love the BBC miniseries, I even love the movie. (And I know a lot of Hitchhiker's fans hate the movie, but I don't care. I adored it. I thought it had just the right amount of whimsy, and aside from the fact that I STILL don't like Arthur and Trillian ending up together (IT TOTES GOES AGAINST THE WHOLE POINT OF TRILLIAN SURVIVING), it made me squeeful and happy.) I always say that the two things that really shaped my sense of humor and how I look at the world were MST3k and Hitchhiker's and... I think it really shows. It's exactly my sense of humor, exactly the sort of thing that cracks me up every single time.

Anyway. Reading that book is like coming home for me.

I have a million and one favorite quotes, but going with the theme of Hitchhiker's, here's (one of) my (many) favorite quote(s) from that book:

"If I asked you where the hell we were," said Arthur weakly, "would I regret it?"

Ford stood up. "We're safe," he said.

"Oh good," said Arthur.

"We're in a small galley cabin," said Ford, "in one of the spaceships of the Vogon construction fleet."

"Ah," said Arthur, "this is obviously some strange usage of the word 'safe' that I wasn't previously aware of."

Day 01 = Your favourite song
Day 02 = Your favourite movie
Day 03 = Your favourite television program
Day 06 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 = A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 = A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 = A photo you took
Day 10 = A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 = A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 = A fiction book
Day 14 = A non-fiction book
Day 15 = A fanfic
Day 16 = A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 = An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 = A talent of yours
Day 20 = A hobby of yours
Day 21 = A recipe
Day 22 = A website
Day 23 = A YouTube video
Day 24 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 = Your day, in great detail
Day 26 = Your week, in great detail
Day 27 = This month, in great detail
Day 28 = This year, in great detail
Day 29 = Hopes, dreams, and plans for next 365 days
Day 30 = Whatever tickles your fancy

meme, sja, music, nicole, friends, torchwood, katy and scott, h2g2

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