wednesdays are the new thursdays

Nov 18, 2009 20:33

Ugh, internet. Wednesdays. What even?

Wednesdays are WORST because I have to stay until six instead of four and by the time I get home I'm exhausted and cranky and usually my parents are also here and being annoying. OH, INTERNET, ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS TO MOVE OUT OF MY PARENTS' HOUSE D: D: D:


Anyway. Wednesdays are worst. I think I am going to bed.

(Yes, I know it's only quarter after eight. I'm still sick, okay, and it's making me tired.)

Oh man! But first! This is kind of embarrassing! But!

Today at work, during storytime, it occurred to me that Toot and Puddle hit my best-friends-utterly-devoted-to-each-other kink SO HARD. SO HARD, guys. That is probably the reason why I frequently cry while reading Toot and Puddle books. But, oh man, they love each other SO MUCH and it just warms my heart to a ridiculous degree. Top of the World always makes me tear up, as does I'll Be Home For Christmas and today my boss read A Present for Toot and Puddle's desolation when he couldn't find a present for Toot (and, later, his fear that Toot wouldn't like his present) just hurt my heart. I mean, I knew, logically, that it's a children's book and that OF COURSE Toot will love the present, but... oh man. I am a sucker, internet. A sucker for best friends.


Meme? If you insist.

Day 03 = Your favorite television program

Oh, my show. MY SHOW.*

Guys, I have talked about TWW obsessively for years. I have talked over and over again about why I love the show, what it means to me, what it does to me. I've babbled at length about the dialogue, the characters, the idealism, the love. I love this show. I adore this show. It means more to me than any other show ever and I think it always will.


It's crazy! I mean, I did a primer back after the election when everyone started watching the show because of the Obama connection. I ran a couple of ficathons. I've babbled excessively. I've a SHIT TON of fic.

I love this show. And if you're not watching it, it's because you're a loser. SORRY BUT THAT IS A TRUE FACT.

(eta: OH MAN. I am reading my TWW fic tag and I totally forgot I wrote this! But it is hilarious! Oh, Will!)

* For the sake of this post "my show" and "The West Wing" refer only to S1-S4. We do not like to acknowledge anything past that, okay?

Day 01 = Your favourite song
Day 02 = Your favorite movie
Day 04 = Your favourite book
Day 05 = Your favourite quote
Day 06 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 = A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 = A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 = A photo you took
Day 10 = A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 = A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 = A fiction book
Day 14 = A non-fiction book
Day 15 = A fanfic
Day 16 = A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 = An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 = A talent of yours
Day 20 = A hobby of yours
Day 21 = A recipe
Day 22 = A website
Day 23 = A YouTube video
Day 24 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 = Your day, in great detail
Day 26 = Your week, in great detail
Day 27 = This month, in great detail
Day 28 = This year, in great detail
Day 29 = Hopes, dreams, and plans for next 365 days
Day 30 = Whatever tickles your fancy


Yes, I'm actually going to bed now. What is even wrong with me, internet?

work: bn, sick, meme, books, tww

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