scenes from the house of pocky_slash volume 87231

Nov 03, 2009 22:04

Mom: Oh, you idiot!
Kait: What did I do?!
Mom: Not you! ::opens freezer and pulls out a water bottle frozen solid:: I can't believe I left this in there!
Kait: Oh. Um, it's just water? There's more in the pitcher.
Mom: ::holding water bottle upside down with the top off:: There's no water coming out!
Kait: That's because been in the freezer for five hours.

Mom: ::on the phone with her sister:: Great. First I go on the Wii and it tells me, "We haven't seen you in 29 days! We missed you!" Now I finally get a chance to check my e-mail and I have a message from Facebook asking where I've been. I give up.


In political news, CNN has posted an incredibly unfortunate picture of Chris Christie on their NJ election page. The man photographs badly in general, but... oh man.

I really wanted to vote for Daggett, but in the end, the race was too close. I voted for Corzine and now I'm trying to steel myself for four year of... you know, a jerk I don't agree with who photographs incredibly poorly :\

quotes, family stuff, politics

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