"another halloween has come and gone and all i have to show for it is a bag full of rocks."

Nov 02, 2009 20:49

Oh man, internet. My world has been SHATTERED. I just looked up the quote in my subject and discovered that it is not an actual quote from It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. It's an amalgamation of two different quotes! I DON'T KNOW WHO I AM ANYMORE D: D: D: D:


So, first off, I thought I would make it official on LJ--I'm not doing NaNoWriMo this year, for the first time in like, six years or so. I have an idea and I still want to pursue it, but after the car troubles and getting sick and being so busy in October, I never had time to do the research I needed in order to make the novel all that it can be. I'll probably "officially" start the project in January, realistically, as nothing gets done in December when you work retail, especially when you're in charge of the children's department D:

It's weird. I mean, it's odd to not be doing it. It's such a great community feeling and I feel a bit bereft not being a part of it this year.

I'm still going to try and write a shitton of words this month. I have to finish Club Wales II: Now With 100% More PC Andy, my tenyearsoftww fic, and my reel_torchwood fic. Plus, I can do research and prep for the novel. But yeah. It's weird.



Oh man, guys. It was quite a week.

Friday night we (Nicole, Christine, and myself) went to a Steampunk Haunted House on the Lower East Side. There was kind of epic bullshit with standing on line with a bunch of privileged asshole special snowflakes, but the awesome usher and the EPIC AWESOMENESS of the haunted house made up for it. Oh my god, it was really cool. The atmosphere was gorgeous and it was hella, hella creepy. I really enjoyed myself and it was definitely worth the price and the wait.

Friday was also massive decorating. We painted the decorations and cleaned the apartment. I finished up my costume.

Saturday we decorated, cooked, and stressed all day. We were right down the wire. Luckily, everyone was really late, except for fuuchan and ruecian, so we had time to get everything ready before the guests showed up.

(my costume is totally two exclamation points worth of awesome.)

SO! Food wise, I made brain cupcakes and fingers and a couple of other things. Here's an incomplete shot of the food table:


Oh man, guys. My costume was great. It held up okay over the course of the night, too! Even though I couldn't sit down and couldn't bend over.

(Also, I love how you can see my maroon Converse in the background. Clearly, I just got finished killing The Doctor and then stealing his shoes. Or something. I also love how I ended up as Dalek Sec, purely based on the fact that I already had a black dress. Way to be the dalek that ruined my two favorite Whoniverse characters' lives!)

(Also, also, conversation between me and a friend while I was costuming:
Me: All of these "sexy" costumes are kind of disturbing. Sexy priest? Sexy clown?
Her: You have no room to talk. You are basically dressing as a sexy dalek.)

Nicole's costume was also EPIC. She was the Scarecrow from the new Batman video game, Arkham Asylum. That was the theme of the party, actually. This is my favorite picture of her in costume:

And here is a better picture where you can actually see all the work that went into her costume:

The conversation that followed that picture went like this:
Nicole: I wonder who would win in a fight between us. You, probably.
Kait: Yeah, me. Totally. Definitely. Sorry.

There are more photos (including a ton of the awesome decorations that Nicole and I made, with help from Christine) over in this Facebook album. Feel free to peruse!

Sunday we watched Session 9 and then I came home.

Monday I went to work.

And that is pretty much the past few days in a nutshell! I have laundry and writing and work to catch up on this week. I'm still sick. On Friday, I go to inocciduous's place for a few days. At one point, I will perhaps get some sleep.

For now, I am going to go read some epic badfic and then go to bed. Later, internet.

nicole, halloween, nano, steampunk, pics, writing: general, me, party!

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